Biden: invasion of Rafah would be big mistake

If Israeli PM Benjamini Netanyahu needed confirmation that invading Rafah is the right thing to do, he got that confirmation today. Politico is reporting that Joe Biden thinks that there's a better way of fighting against Hamas.

Jake Sullivan, Biden's NSA, briefed reporters after the phone call between Biden and Netanyahu. Sullivan is quoted as saying "I want you to understand, Mr. Prime Minister, exactly where I am on this. I am for the defeat of Hamas. I believe that they are an evil terrorist group with not just Israeli, but American blood on their hands. At the same time, I believe that to get to that you need a strategy that works, and that strategy should not involve a major military operation that puts thousands and thousands of innocent civilian lives at risk in Rafah. There is a better way."

If Biden says fighting in Rafah is wrong, then Israel should invade Rafah whenever Israel is ready. If Joe Biden says it's the wrong time to invade, that's proof it's the right time. Let's remember that Robert Gates, the Secretary of Defense for George W. Bush and Barack Obama, wrote this about Biden in his memoirs "I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades."

Yesterday, Bibi Netanyahu put Joe Biden in his proper position:

Make certain to read the English subtitles. Meaanwhile, Netanyahu promised to send a delegation to the White House in the near future, despite the fact that Biden had approved Sen. Schumer's speech that undermines Israel:

Israel needs a U.S. president that stands consistently with Israel. That isn't Biden. He's been erratic at best.


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