The Uniparty must die; so must omnibus bills

If we want accountability and good governance in Washington, DC, then it's imperative that we get rid of omnibus bills. Those types of bills are perfect for politicians that want to vote for unpopular provisions but still avoid accountability from voters. President Reagan once said that politics is the second-oldest profession and, "at times, it looks like the world's oldest profession."

By putting multiple 'must-pass' bills together, the Uniparty guarantees that whatever is in the bill, a major part of it will be pork. Then the Uniparty defends their creation by insisting that they didn't want to vote for the unpopular parts of the bill but there was too much important stuff in the bill to vote against.

What they're really saying is a) they created the bill, complete with all the crap in it, and b) they didn't have the spine to say no to excessive spending that we don't the money fore and that we don't need.

The Ukraine aid bill was thrown together behind closed doors, with 2 Democrats ganging up against the lone Republican, On top of that, the Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell all but told Jim Lankford that he'd pretty much have to settle for a watered-down border security bill because Ukraine aid is just too important. Sen. McConnell being the GOP leader of the Uniparty bought Biden's 'call of history' BS. In this tweet, Biden emphatically states 3 times "History is watching":

Message for Joe Biden:

The American people are watching. They see you ignoring the TX-Mex border. They see the rampant crime in our once-great cities of San Francisco, New York City and Chicago. They're sickened seeing things like this:

Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer apparently care more about Ukraine aid than NYPD officers. That's the Uniparty way. Whatever happened to putting U.S. public safety first? It isn't that we don't care about Ukraine. It's that real Americans care about Texas and the NYPD more than Ukraine.

The Uniparty's priorities aren't America's priorities. The Uniparty's agenda is 'status quo all the way around' even when things are obviously broken.

The Uniparty had the perfect opportunity to fix the border security crisis. Instead of building the wall and fixing the asylum problem, the Uniparty produced a bill that was long on poison pills and short on fixing the problems. The American people rejected the omnibus bill in less than 24 hrs.

They're trying to reject the Ukraine aid bill, too. What the people are saying is that they want the U.S.-Mexico border fixed and they want Ukraine to kick Putin's ass back to Russia ASAP. Biden is giving us another forever war while Sen. McConnell is doing his best at keeping the border open.

That's why the Uniparty must go and why bills that don't go through their committees of jurisdiction, aka omnibus bills must be rejected by the American people.


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