The DFL's screwed-up priorities

Last week, DFL legislators from the House and Senate held a press availability to announce the North Star Act, which would make Minnesota a sanctuary state if passed and signed into law. Fortunately, that bill didn't gather the support it needed so it likely won't even get a hearing. That development produced much rejoicing from Republicans.

At a time when illegal aliens are attacking NYPD officers and gang violence is increasing in Chicago, it's astonishing that Minnesota Democrats were chomping at the bit for the opportunity to further bankrupt the state. The aforementioned Chicago is already expecting to spend an additional $800,000,000 this year on housing, education and health care for illegal aliens. With Greg Abbott having just gotten started on his second term, rest assured that more busloads of illegal immigrants will be making their way up I-35 to Minnesota and other highways into Chicago.

Now that the DFL's plan to increase crime in Minnesota has been dashed, the DFL apparently have set their sights on screwing up school safety. The DFL started that last year when a DFL bill was snuck into the education omnibus bill. The bill would've restricted "when officers are allowed to restrain students. A number of police departments, county sheriffs and law enforcement associations spoke out against the changes, which largely flew under the radar during the 2023 legislative session..."

Sen. Bonnie Westlin, (DFL-Plymouth) isn't credible in this TV interview:

First, she said this:
We are going to provide clarification. We are codifying the understandings that were represented in the Attorney General's opinion.
Then she said this:
We have brought in many, many stakeholders in this issue, from community groups to education groups to law enforcement groups and gotten some feedback on some of the concerns.
That's nice but shouldn't the DFL have done that last year when "police departments, county sheriffs and law enforcement associations spoke out against the changes?" The DFL thought that they could strong-arm these restrictions into law, then ignore the problem this year. Last year is best known for passing the DFL's most controversial bills on party-line votes. It's also known for the DFL shoving these controversial bills down Minnesotans' throats with little time given to testimony on these controversial bills.

Last year, the DFL passed the Trans Refuge Bill, repealed the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act (which would've prevented acts of infanticide) and the Blackout Bill, which the 100 percent carbon-free electricity mandate by 2040:

Late Thursday evening, the Minnesota State Senate passed the 100 percent carbon-free electricity mandate by 2040. American Experiment nicknamed this legislation the Blackout Bill because it will force electricity prices to skyrocket and undermine the reliability of the electricity system resulting in rolling blackouts.

The vote was along party lines, with all 34 Democrats in the chamber voting for the bill, and all 33 Republicans opposing it. The bill will now go to the desk of Governor Tim Walz, who will sign it into law.

Isn't That Rich?

While the House Education Policy Committee heard a number of testifiers speak about the bill later in the afternoon, all 62 Republicans voted to support Demuth’s motion to clear the bill for passage on the floor. 68 DFL House members voted against the motion after Frazier urged his colleagues to remain patient and give the bill a full committee hearing. Rep. Dave Lislegard, DFL-Aurora, was in the chamber but did not cast a vote on the measure.

"We should not bypass that process," Frazier said. "The complaint was that we bypassed that process before; we should not do it now."

Rep. Frazier shouldn't have been in such a hurry last year. Then he wouldn't need to fix the bill this year. That wasn't good enough, though, for what I call 'The Cops Can't Do Anything Right' wing of the DFL. They wanted to hamstring law enforcement, especially those interacting with schools.

The DFL's Priorities Aren't Minnesota's Priorities

How many Minnesotans want a fossil fuel-free future? I'm betting it isn't a majority. How many Minnesotans want Minnesota to be the Trans Capitol of the United States? I'm betting that's a microscopic percentage. How many Minnesotans want legalized infanticide? I'm betting it's a tiny percentage. It's time to throw the DFL out in the House.


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