North Star Act dies a quick, quiet death

Monday, Representative Sandra Feist and Senator Omar Fateh spoke to a gathering of approximately 100 people at the Upper Mall of the Minnesota State Capitol to tout the North Star Act, a bill being introduced into the Minnesota legislature that, if passed, would prohibit state and local law enforcement from using state resources for the purpose of civil immigration enforcement. That was Monday. By Tuesday, Speaker Melissa Hortman announced "I don’t believe that there are the votes for that bill to move in the House or the Senate. I just don’t think there’s the votes."

From what I'm hearing, this isn't as much about a split between Republicans vs. the DFL as much as it's about rural DFL legislators vs. metro DFL legislators. In the Senate, all 33 Republicans stood fast against the North Star Act, which meant that the DFL didn't have a vote to spare. That ended when Sen. Grant Hauschild took to Twitter to say he wouldn't support the North Star Act:

I couldn't watch past 2:30 of this press conference:

I couldn't watch beyond that point because, to hear Rep. Sandra Feist, (DFL- New Brighton), tell it, all of the people coming across the TX-Mex border are productive members of society who've taught our kids and enriched our neighborhoods. What a pile of BS. That's insulting. What would Rep. Feist say to this report?

Do these illegal immigrants look like productive members of society? Do they enrich our neighborhoods, pay taxes and teach our children? Rep. Feist is peddling a myth. Thank God we don't have to listen to that BS the entire session.

To the DFL legislators that helped kill the North Star Act, thanks. We're still targeting you, though.

The support rally was initiated by the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) and the North STAR Alliance. The chief authors of the North STAR Act, Representative Sandra Feist (D-New Brighton) and Senator Omar Fateh (D-Minneapolis), as well as representatives from the North STAR Alliance, spoke to the importance of this transformative legislation, and to the urgent need for Minnesota to take steps to protect our immigrant communities. Aside from the chief authors, speakers included members from The MN Freedom Fund, COPAL MN, Interfaith Coalition on Immigration (ICOM), Minnesota 8, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, and the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee.

Miguel Hernandez, a member of MIRAC, said: "This is just the beginning, we need to keep going, we need to keep pushing this bill all over the state, what is coming here this coming election year will bring a lot of fear, but we’re here to say no. We’re here to support the North STAR Act and here to say enough."

Go for it. Pushing a sanctuary state bill at a time when crime is spiking, the border is open and Greg Abbott is shipping busloads of criminal aliens to sanctuary states and cities isn't the brightest decision imaginable. It's still smarter than depleting your city's depleted social programs resources.


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