Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer vs. Mike Johnson, border security is national security edition

House Speaker Mike Johnson just gave wobbly Senate Republicans something extra to think about when he said in a statement that "the Senate’s foreign aid bill is silent on the most pressing issue facing our country." He continued, saying "[In] the absence of having received any single border policy change from the Senate, the House will have to continue to work its own will on these important matters. America deserves better than the Senate’s status quo."

Speaker Johnson has shown a willingness to throw "thrown cold water on a foreign aid package crafted in the Senate, raising more questions about the fate of Ukraine aid on Capitol Hill, a controversial matter in the Republican Party and, especially, the House GOP conference."

Initially, House Republicans insisted that the Senate include border security provisions in a bill in exchange for aid for Ukraine. When Senate Republicans got rolled in negotiations on a border bill, Senate Democrats thought that they'd finished off a legitimate border security bill. Apparently, Senate Democrats thought wrong.

There's little doubt that an Israel-Ukraine aid package will get signed by Biden. What's in question is whether House Republicans can force the Senate and the White House into accepting a legitimate border security package with it.

In a speech on the Senate floor, Sen. Eric Schmitt, (R-MO), laid out this border crisis in spectacular detail:

Mitch McConnell issued this statement:
The Senate understands the responsibilities of America’s national security and will not neglect them. For three years, a policy of hesitation, short-sightedness, and self-deterrence led the world to wonder whether the United States still has the resolve to face growing, coordinated threats. Today, we faced a clear test of that resolve. Our adversaries want America to decide that reinforcing allies and partners is not in our interest, and that investing in strategic competition is not worth it. They want us to take hard-earned credibility and light it on fire.

But today, the Senate responded by reaffirming a commitment to rebuild and modernize our military, restore our credibility, and give the current Commander-in-Chief, as well as the next, more tools to secure our interests. History settles every account. And today, on the value of American leadership and strength, history will record that the Senate did not blink.

The Senate didn't blink. They simply threw in the towel. They sent the unmistakable message that illegal immigration isn't a big deal. The Uniparty said that fiscal sanity isn't a priority, too. The Uniparty, though mostly made up of Democrats, said that crippling once-great cities like Chicago and NYC with exorbitant unplanned expenses isn't a big deal.

Whatever happened to Democrats that put patriotism first? Where did they disappear to? Why don't they care that Chicago, Denver, NYC and SF are rapidly turning into hellscapes?

Republicans like Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Thom Tillis might be planning on retiring. Either that or they don't understand that the U.S. is spending itself into oblivion. John Thune and John Barrasso are part of the McConnell wing of the GOP, too. It's time for them to retire too. Let's keep Rand Paul around, though. Here's why:

It's time to fire Biden and retire McConnell. They're both worthless. The next time they're in lockstep with the American people, it'll be surprising. The next time we push HR2 instead of pushing the Sinema/Murphy/Lankford bill, I'll be a happy camper. HR2 is a legitimate border security bill. The Sinema/Murphy/Lankford bill is endorsed by Biden, McConnell and Schumer. That means it's a farce.


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