DFL plans on passing North Star Act

Minnesota's legislature, the most radical legislature in the U.S., more radical than California's, hopes to pass the North Star Act this session. The North Star Act "would turn Minnesota into a “sanctuary state” for illegal immigrants. More specifically, the North Star Act would ban local law enforcement from assisting federal agencies in enforcing immigration law."

This is happening after "county commissioners in McLeod County approved a resolution Saturday which denounced and opposed the pending “North Star Act.” In a unanimous vote, the five commissioners sent a clear signal to legislators in St. Paul that they do not support the state’s proposed protections for illegal immigrants."

Sanctuary state laws are quickly dropping in popularity, thanks mostly to Gov. Abbott's shipping of illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities like Chicago and NYC. Chicago and NYC have gotten hit with exorbitant additional expenses thanks to additional expenses for health care, education, housing and public safety. In Chicago, those additional expenses will add $800,000,000 to Chicago's budget.

This should cause the DFL to hesitate:

In the closely divided Minnesota Senate (34 Democrats, 33 Republicans), the legislation would require the support of all 34 Democratic senators to become law. However, Sen. Grant Hauschild, an Iron Range Democrat who defeated his GOP opponent in 2022 by just over a point, indicated Saturday that he will not support the bill.

"While every legislator has a right to introduce legislation, you need 34 votes in the senate to pass anything," Hauschild wrote on Twitter. "I will not be supporting this legislation and it is very unlikely to become law."

If you're the DFL heading into an election, why would you bring this up for a vote in the House if you know it won't pass? I'm betting that the DFL won't push this bill that hard. The only way they do is if the POCI Caucus forcess that onto them. Forcing vulnerable members of the DFL House to vote on another controversial bill doesn't seem wise, to say the least.

If the bill passes, I'd expect Gov. Abbott's next shipment to be to Minnesota. I can't imagine why Tim Walz would want all that extra money going out the door, especially considering the fact that the projected budget surplus is shrinking quickly. Notice that the media wing of the DFL didn't mention the additional expenses in this report:

Sen. Hauschild's tweet: Matt Dean and Andy Brehm wrote stinging replies to Sen. Hauschild's tweet. First, Matt Dean's tweet: Next, Andy Brehm's tweet: Sen. Hauschild better hope people in Tom Bakk's old district are mighty forgetful. I wouldn't bet on that as long as I'm still breathing.


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