Robbyn Wacker's accomplishments?

 Last week, SCSU President Robbyn Wacker sat down with WJON's Jay Caldwell for what's likely to be called President Wacker's exit interview. During the interview, President Wacker listed her 3 goals when she got to SCSU when she explained that "she was tasked with 3 directives when hired which includes turning around enrollment, increase the visibility of the University, and instill a sense of pride."

That's spin of the highest order. Anyone that's paid attention to SCSU, which I have, knows that SCSU is in a helluva financial mess. If SCSU is experiencing an enrollment increase, which I'm betting against, it's only possible if they're basing it on headcout enrollment. If SCSU is experiencing an increased headcount enrollment, that isn't improving SCSU's financial stability.

If you've read this op-ed, you'd know that SCSU is in a financial hurt. The op-ed's writer, pen-named Deep Throat, wrote "According to Minnesota State data, peak enrollments at SCSU were at 15,096 FYE (Full Year Equivalent) in FY2010 to a projected decrease of only 7,001 students in FY25 (October 2024) showing a university enrollment decline in crisis. A continual enrollment drop that approaches the 50% range from FY 2010 is a Titanic-like event. During the next 4 years, 108 faculty lines at SCSU will be eliminated through early retirements, retrenchments, and other layoffs according to internal sources."

That's a drop of 53.6% in FYE enrollment since FY2010. FYE enrollment stands for Full Year Equivalent Enrollment. FYE Enrollment is preferred by administrators who calculate the economic health of the universities. Traditionally, SCSU has reported enrollment by giving the public headcount enrollment figures only. That's because it's the easiest type of enrollment report to manipulate.

From the op-ed

The bad news continues to get even worse. A drop in FYE (Full Year Equivalent) enrollments translates into a drop in taxpayer funding by legislative allocation. A FY23 total budget less than $14,000,000 (see Cash Balance – Surplus) is a dire emergency akin to a 65-year-old retiree having $10,000 left in total assets. Reporting headcount from high school students contributes to higher enrollment numbers than FYE so it should be no surprise that SCSU continually reports headcount to the media.

The truth is that President Wacker is leaving SCSU in dire financial shape. What's required is what won't happen. SCSU needs a leadership change, with someone in-charge who is skilled with rebuilding SCSU's academic standing while providing a product that's affordable and appealing to students. Right now, SCSU isn't providing those things.

If Tim Walz, the Minnesota State Board of Trustee and politicians like Aric Putnam and Dan Wolgamott don't work together in finding a new, over-qualified president, the Titanic will continue sinking and taxpayers will be forced to pay more of their hard-earned wages into another bailout of SCSU.

It's time to find a great president. It's time to end SCSU's bailouts.


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