Nikki Haley's Amy Klobuchar act

After Nikki Haley's defeat in the New Hampshire Primary on Tuesday night, Nikki Haley did her best Amy Klobuchar impersonation by delivering a speech to make it sound like she'd won. That didn't sit well with Donald Trump, who said "I have to tell you, it was very interesting because I said, ‘Wow, what a great victory. But then, somebody ran up to the stage all dressed up nicely — when it was at 7. But now I walked up and it said 14."

Trump wasn't happy with Nikki Haley's speech after the networks and the AP called the race, declaring Trump the winner. He said "She ran up when it was 7, and you know, we have to do what’s good for our party, and she was up and I said, ‘Wow, she’s doing a speech like she won. She didn’t win. She lost. Last week we had a little bit of a problem. If you remember, Ron was very upset, because she ran up and she pretended she won Iowa."

Campaigns reveal the candidates' character (or lack thereof). This campaign has shown that Nikki Haley is a slippery, dishonest person. Here's additional proof of that:

"And I looked around and I said, didn’t she come in third? Yeah, she came in third," he said. "And then I looked at the polls, she was talking about most win-ability. Who is going to win, and I have one put up, we have won almost every single poll in the last three months against crooked Joe Biden. Almost every poll. And she doesn’t win those polls."
When Trump said that, the first thing I thought was that Nikki Haley must've trained under Amy Klobuchar. In 2020, Democrats used an untested app for the Iowa Caucuses. We didn't get the results for over a week. Despite that, Sen. Klobuchar jumped into the news void and delivered this speech:

It didn't matter to St. Amy of Hennepin County that she'd just finished fifth behind Pothole Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden. St. Amy of Hennepin County pretended to win the Iowa Caucuses. Nikki Haley finished third in Iowa and last in New Hampshire. Despite those disappointing finishes, she's acting like she's winning. I don't dispute that Trump has some weaknesses that must be fixed:
The first task for any candidate is to unify the party. But 19% of Republicans who cast ballots in New Hampshire said they would be so dissatisfied with Trump as the nominee that they wouldn’t vote for him in November, according to AP VoteCast, a survey of primary voters. Similarly, 15% of Republicans who participated in Iowa’s caucuses last week said they wouldn’t support Trump in the general election.
That's why I supported Gov. DeSantis. The good news for Trump and Republicans is that there's time to fix this. The question is whether he's capable of fixing the problem.

Nikki Haley has problems, too. First, her universe of voters is smaller than the America First universe of voters. Next, most of the Democrats that are voting for her now intend on voting for Joe Biden or whoever the Democrat nominee is this fall. Winning over Reagan Democrats in Macomb County Michigan is a positive thing. Getting Democrats to vote for you in the primaries but then losing them in November isn't a virtue.

The good news is that Joe Biden's coalition appears to be splintering. Biden's radical agenda is a great turnout motivator for the GOP, too. The U.S. won't last another 4 years of Biden.


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