Mitch McConnell sabotages Ron Johnson, Ted Cruz on border security negotiations

Hugh Hewitt criticized the border deal that Sen. Jim Langford, (R-OK), Sen. Christopher Murphy, (D-CT) and Sen. Kirsten Sinema, (I-AZ), had been negotiating. Hewitt criticized the deal because it didn't include funding for at least 900 miles of border fencing. Prior to that, it looked like Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader, had given his blessing to the deal. Sen. Lindsey Graham, (R-SC), went as far as saying that Republicans wouldn't get a better deal even with Donald Trump in the White House. That's obviously BS.

Conn Carroll's article opens by saying "The narrative creation merchants are busy Thursday morning trying to cast the collapse of border security talks between Senate Republicans and the White House as a cynical ploy to help former President Donald Trump’s campaign at the expense of ending the border crisis." Carroll then wrote "'McConnell has now shifted blame on the border to Trump,' Sherman continued. 'And Democrats get a very useful talking point; Republicans walked away from a bipartisan deal that could’ve helped stem the crisis at the border.'"

Let's cut to the heart of the matter. This deal, if it dies, deserved to die. Republicans shouldn't have let it get this far. They should've told Democrats that they weren't interested in a deal that didn't include funding for at least 900 miles of Trump-style border wall. The "narrative creation merchants" are telling us that Donald Trump deserves the blame for the collapse:

It's still speculation because nobody has seen the legislative language for the bill. Still, we know this:
It was very kind of Sherman to help Democrats create a new talking point. A completely false talking point. Nothing in the deal the Senate was negotiating with the White House would have "helped stem the crisis at the border."

What the deal would have done is give Democratic-run cities and states billions of dollars to help house, clothe, feed, educate, and provide healthcare for the thousands of illegal immigrants busting their budgets.

If the negotiations have collapsed, that's a positive thing. Sen. Graham was totally wrong in saying that we couldn't get a better deal even with Trump in the White House. We got a better deal when Trump was in the White House. That's because Senate Republicans used reconciliation to appropriate money for building Trump's wall. The rest of the Trump policy was simply enforcing existing laws. Sen. Ron Johnson, (R-WI), got pretty agitated at Mitch McConnell in this video:

It's obvious that we need a different president if we want to fix this border crisis. Joe Biden isn't interested in fixing this crisis. He intentionally created it. After 3 years, it's foolish to think that Biden will suddenly admit that this isn't working and reverse his policies that've been intact for 3+ years. Finally, there's this:
The bill also would have included billions of dollars for the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of Refugee Resettlement. These funds were not going to be spent denying migrants entrance into the United States. Every cent appropriated to these agencies would go to doing the exact opposite: processing illegal immigrants into the U.S. faster.
This proposal is a step backwards. Republicans should immediately reject it.


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