Joe Biden and the 2-State 'Solution'

Hope springs eternal within Democrat circles for things like comprehensive immigration reform and the Israel-Palestinian 2-State Solution. I'm old enough to remember a time when comprehensive immigration reform was a semi-plausible idea. Of course, that's back in the days when dinosaurs named John McCain and Ted Kennedy still roamed the earth.

Each year, Kennedy and McCain tried reviving comprehensive immigration reform. Similarly, Kennedy and McCain told us that the key to Middle East peace was found in finally getting Israelis and Palestinians to agree to living side-by-side next to each other. Saying that the 2-State Solution should permanently die is like telling vampires that holy water is good for the soul. As long as Democrat dinosaurs roam the earth, the 2-State Solution will be with us, unfortunately.

The first question that should be asked 2-State rumblings start is whether it benefits Israelis. In his weekly op-ed, Michael Godwin writes "Coming after the savage Hamas terror attack on Oct. 7, the taking of hostages and the continuing war in Gaza, the idea understandably has near zero support in the Jewish state." Does that mean Joe Biden has finally rejected the 2-State Solution? Check this out:

Say this for the Biden administration: It never runs out of bad ideas or the energy to pursue them. Take its tone-deaf badgering of Israel to accept the creation of a Palestinian state.
Here's why it's a terrible idea:
In addition to rewarding terrorism, a self-governing Palestinian nation, even with international help, would likely throw Egypt, Jordan and the entire region into turmoil and be a nightmare for Israeli security.
Simply put, we'd be better off if the Palestinians didn't exist. We're told that Palestinians aren't automatically terrorists. I don't buy that. Year-after-year, Palestinian surveys show north of 75% of Palestinians agreeing with the statement that Hamas should govern Gaza. I don't see a dime's worth of difference between Hamas and the Palestinians. Antony Blinken and Thomas Friedman are 2 of the delusional people that think the 2-State Solution will work:

Too many times, we've seen the Palestinians reject this plan. I don't need to pound my head into a wall to figure out that pounding my head into that wall gives me a headache. Einstein said that doing the same thing again and again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. I won't argue with that statement.


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