Spain, France reject Joe Biden's leadership

During his first overseas trip, Joe Biden defiantly declared that "The U.S. is back." At that get-together, much was made of the back-slapping and glad-handing, etc. This Barrons article paints a quite different picture, though.

The Barrons article notes that "Spain's Socialist government said Friday it had still not decided whether it will take part in an international coalition led by the United States to quell Houthi attacks on ships transiting the Red Sea." France is considering whether it'll join the coalition, too. Perhaps Mr. Biden was a little premature with his declaration that the U.S. was back. Then, too, perhaps what Mr. Biden meant was that the U.S. was back to leading from behind and apologizing everywhere it went in the world.

Who can forget President Obama’s worldwide apology tour? He was a worldwide embarrassment to the U.S., the opposite of JFK or Reagan. Today’s Democrats apparently see strength as appalling. America's allies worldwide aren't confident in Biden's leadership. They'd be foolish participating in a U.S.-led military coalition. This report doesn't pull any punches:

Like most of Joe Biden's brash statements, this one's a pile of BS. Biden isn't trustworthy. Afghanistan taught the British and other NATO allies they can't trust Biden. It taught American Gold Star families they shouldn't trust him either:

Why should NATO nations trust Biden? I haven't seen proof that Biden takes this stuff seriously. Protecting the U.S. from foreign terrorists is one of Biden's biggest responsibilities as commander-in-chief. He's failed that responsibility.

Our enemies understand that Biden is a paper tiger, if that. Our allies think that he's capable of stabbing them in the back at any time. It isn't a stretch to think that Biden is the worst commander-in-chief of our lifetime.


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