Jamie Comer, Scott Jennings vs. the AP, Jen Psaki

First, it's essential to stipulate that Jamie Comer, the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, owns a company that is a limited liability corporation, aka LLC. Next, it's essential to stipulate that Chairman Comer's business isn't a shell corporation. CNN's Scott Jennings has written this op-ed to explain why the AP should've done better research. Let's cut to the heart of this dispute.

In his op-ed, Jennings writes "At issue is an allegation from the Associated Press that Comer’s ownership of six acres of land in Monroe County, held in a Limited Liability Corporation (an “LLC” in common business parlance) called Farm Team Properties, makes him a hypocrite because he is investigating the president and his son, Hunter Biden, for the Biden family’s use of shell corporations to mask the source and movement of tens of millions of dollars."

Chairman Comer wasn’t gentle in highlighting the AP’s lack of "financial literacy" in such matters:

"It is a disgrace that the Associated Press wrote this article, claiming I’m somehow the same as Hunter Biden," Comer said. "Anyone with any financial literacy knows that an LLC with assets is clearly not a ‘shell’ company. My company has assets and an active business purpose of land management, real estate speculation, and hunting leasing. The Bidens have over 20 actual shell companies with no assets and no known business purpose."

"I own land, and the land is an asset with a purpose. The Bidens own smoke and mirrors designed to hide millions in payments from foreign sources that went for services that not a single person can define," Comer said. "But sure, we’re all the same, I guess," he said, laughing. "Maybe I ought to take up painting instead of farming."

What do you mean 'no evidence?'

"It is amazing to me that the press has decided to just chant ‘without evidence, without evidence’ like some sort of cult-inspired mantra," Comer said. "The president’s family has benefited enormously from foreign payments, and some of these sources are extremely shady. We have bank records. Documents. Witness and whistleblower testimony. Text messages where Hunter Biden is threatening people with retribution from his father if they don’t pay up. None of this information is in dispute."
The AP, like most of the MSM, isn't interested in the truth or facts. Their goal is to run interference for the Biden Crime Syndicate. Frankly, most of these Democrats are outright liars only interested in accumulating, then maintaining political power. It's time to put a stop to their tyranny. The AP isn't the only media member with integrity issues:

Socialists like Ms. Psaki either don't know the difference between an LLC and a shell company. As Chairman Comer explained, Chairman Comer's LLC "has assets and an active business purpose of land management, real estate speculation, and hunting leasing. The Bidens have over 20 actual shell companies with no assets and no known business purpose."

To people like Ms. Psaki, that explanation isn't important. It's the accusation that matters. That's how the Bidens and other Democrats deflect legitimate criticism aimed at the Bidens. It's time to defeat these disgusting people in the next election. And by defeat, I don't mean by slim margins. Let's blow these liars out of the water.


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