Roger Stone: provocateur or parasite

Donald Trump is famous for the trashy company he keeps. From Roger Stone to Michael Cohen, Trump isn't afraid to employ trash-talking troublemakers. Thankfully, Jonathan Turley called out Stone for his vulgarity in his attack against Casey DeSantis.

Stone didn't like Mrs. DeSantis' references to her children on the campaign trail so he didn't waste time before going on a profanity-laced tirade. Turley wrote "Casey often refers to her children, a common point of reference for possible first ladies. However, the highlighting of the DeSantis children sent Stone into a signature tirade, including using a coded word for c**t to refer to Casey. Stone is a diehard supporter of Donald Trump. Nothing says unhinged, recreational rage like attacking a mother for referencing her children."

Then Prof. Turley wrote "Stone posted 'Casey Desantis campaigning: ‘I have a 6, 5 and a 3 year old’ ‘I have a 6, 5 and a 3 year old’ ‘I have a 6, 5 and a 3 year old’ ‘I have a 6, 5 and a 3 year old’ ‘Did you know I have a 6, 5 and a 3 year old?'" "SeeUNextTuesday," replied Stone, using the common slang for the vulgar word (it is meant as a type of acronym beginning C-U)."

This is typical of the type of dirtbag that Trump associates with. Don't think that Stone did this without first checking with Trump. That isn't the same as getting Trump's permission. It just means Stone might've notified Trump he was going to say this.

This news clip takes several well-deserved shots at Stone:

Republicans keep characterizing Biden and Biden's family as trash, which is legitimate. Republicans need to purge their trailer trash, too. If we don't, people will correctly assume that we simply prefer our trash (Trump, Stone and Cohen) over the Biden Crime Syndicate. If we want to win hearts and minds, we have to be men and women of integrity. Just trashing the Democrats' trailer trash isn't enough.

The definition of provocateur is "a person who provokes trouble, causes dissension, or the like; agitator. The definition of parasite is "a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others." It wouldn't be difficult to find people who'd say that Roger Stone is both.


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