Has Donald Trump reached his sell-by date?

There was a time when watching a Trump speech was enjoyable. It wasn't that the material was that great. It's that he was a great showman. Notice that I'm using the past tense these days. IMO, Trump reached his political sell-by date.

Trump still has a following, though that isn't as stout-hearted as it used to be. This morning, I came across this tweet, which I connected with almost immediately. The part of the tweet that I connected with most said "I attended many rallies and watched almost all the rest. I believe there were voting irregularities in the swing states. I also believe the 2020 election is long OVER and in the history books. Trump’s 'HIRE and FIRE' management style may have worked for him in business but it proved to be a destructive way to run a Presidential administration."

I also strongly agree with Fair Deal Dave when he said "America needs a prolonged state of NORMAL; A new leader who has a tested and proven track record of winning and delivering steady continuously improving results. A leader whose management style is: HIRE - TRAIN - EXECUTE - WIN. That leader is Governor Ron DeSantis." Here's the tweet in its entirety:

There was a time when Trump's jabs hit hard. Whether he called Jeb Bush Low Energy Jeb or he called Marco Rubio Litte Marco, they stuck. These days, when Trump calls Gov. DeSantis Ron DeSanctimonious, the impact is negligible. It's like the kid who was the schoolyard bully in fifth grade but who was bullied when he got into 7th grade because other kids were bigger than him by then. Trump isn't the heavyweight he used to be:

That was from when Trump was a fresh face. Then he got elected president and Trump's ego got the best of him. When Gov. DeSantis highlights the fact that "Trump added $7.8 Trillion to the debt", he prefaced that statement by saying that Trump promised to eliminate the debt.

The truth is that Trump has made so many dishonest statements that people have stopped listening. It's like the little boy who cried wolf too many times. After awhile, people stop paying attention.

David is right. America needs a prolonged state of normal." Trump specializes in chaotic. That way, people don't notice the things he didn't finish that he promised to finish. Think building the Trump Wall and draining the Swamp.

Joe Biden is a feeble-minded old fart. Donald Trump is a high-maintenance spoiled brat who thinks everyone should be loyal to him. Gov. DeSantis is the best governor in the U.S. and he's got the conservative accomplishments and the winning streak to prove it.


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