Blistering Barack's butt (bigtime)

This past weekend, Barack Obama tried spreading the blame around for Hamas's murderous rampage of Oct. 7. This blistering op-ed hints that Mr. Obama isn't the effective communicator that he once was. Obama initially insisted that "nobody's hands are clean" from the Oct. 7 Massacre.

Liel Leibovitz, the Editor at large of Tablet Magazine wrote this op-ed questioning Obama's intellectual honesty. After Obama said that nobody's hands are clean, Mr. Liebovitz wrote wrote "Nah, man. Not all of us are complicit. It's just you. It's you, because you're the one who gave that stentorian speech about red lines in Syria and then sat by and did nothing as those red lines were crossed and Assad continued to slaughter his own people, allowing the Iranians and the Russians to creep in and fill the vacuum left by your devastating lack of leadership."

In short, Mr. Liebovitz isn't buying what Mr. Obama is peddling. Let's question Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden why they'd think this was a good strategy:

It's you, because you're the one who came up with the idea of empowering Iran, the world's premiere exporter of terrorism, Holocaust denial, and chaos, all the while telling the American people you were merely trying to stop Teheran from getting a nuclear bomb. Billions of dollars and thousands of dead later, we can all see how well this idea—which you, with the eloquence only a professor could muster, called "regional integration"—is working.

It's you, because you're the one who delivered a parting gift to the region, ending your final term as president by reversing four decades of American bipartisan support of Israel and abstaining from a U.N. vote condemning Israeli settlements, while funneling $400 million in annual payments to the despotic Palestinian Authority, which then promptly used this money to fund its pay-for-slay program, doling out large cash payments to any Palestinian who murdered Jews.

K.T. McFarland took her turn criticizing Mr. Obama, too:

It's time we started questioning Obama's Iran appeasement policy. It isn't like that policy had a chance of working. Expecting terrorists to stop being terrorists and instead turn to a life of being a small businessman and a pillar of the community is foolish. There's a better chance of Obama admitting that his worldview has been wrong his entire life.

George W. Bush is right

Calling Hamas "cold-blooded killers," former president George W. Bush left little room for ambiguity in a recent interview. "My view is: One side is guilty," he said. "And it's not Israel."


  1. Obama is good at reading a pre-scripted speech written by someone smart. On his own he's not that good.

  2. I agree. He's also good at making strawman arguments.


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