We need a healthy shot of Reaganite leadership

Since Hamas's invasion of Israel, the world, especially the Middle East, appears to be falling apart. It isn't that the Middle East is the only place falling apart. It's just the place where the dysfunction is most visible. You can thank Joe Biden for that fiasco.

The common denominators when talking about Biden's failed withdrawal from Afghanistan, Pres. Putin's invasion of Ukraine, Iran's meddling in the Middle East, China's meddling in the Middle East and Indo-Pacific and the open Tex-Mex border are policies and leadership.

Barack Obama's op-ed needs to be ridiculed mercilessly. Early in the op-ed, he wrote "But even as we support Israel, we should also be clear that how Israel prosecutes this fight against Hamas matters. In particular, it matters, as President Biden has repeatedly emphasized, that Israel’s military strategy abides by international law, including those laws that seek to avoid, to every extent possible, the death or suffering of civilian populations."

It's disgusting to hear the Obama administration talking about supporting Israel. His administration negotiated the JCPOA with Iran, Israel's fiercest enemy in the world. Further, Obama can't cite a single instance of Israel not abiding by international law. By comparison, Hamas, the terrorists who attacked Israeli civilians, frequently ignore international laws of war. Why didn't Mr. Obama criticize Hamas?

Historically speaking, Obama is longwinded. Here's the abridged version:

Obama couldn't resist returning to his Apology Tour:
As President Biden noted during his recent visit to Israel, America itself has at times fallen short of our higher values when engaged in war, and in the aftermath of 9/11, the U.S. government wasn’t interested in heeding the advice of even our allies when it came to the steps we took to protect ourselves against Al Qaeda. Now, after the systematic massacre of Israeli citizens, a massacre that evokes some of the darkest memories of persecution against the Jewish people, it’s understandable that many Israelis have demanded that their government do whatever it takes to root out Hamas and make sure such attacks never happen again. Moreover, Hamas’ military operations are deeply embedded within Gaza — and its leadership seems to intentionally hide among civilians, thereby endangering the very people they claim to represent.
We need Reaganite policies and leadership. Instead, we're stuck with Joe Biden. Obama's op-ed just makes it worse because it reminds us that we've seen Biden's lead-from-behind strategy before. We had 8 years of it under Obama.

Biden is on the defensive just like Obama was. President Reagan constantly was on the offensive. He let the Soviets know immediately that he meant business. The Reagan Doctrine essentially was to scare the bejesus out of whoever he was negotiating with, forcing (for instance) Gorbachev to sign treaties that were previously thought impossible to accomplish.

By comparison, Biden has given away the U.S.'s edge militarily, economically and energy-wise. Other than that, Biden has been the master of appeasement.


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