Cori Bush, Hamas Caucus member, accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing, genocide

It's apparent that Hamas Caucus members, formerly known as the Squad, aren't the brightest bulbs in the chandelier. On Sunday, Hamas Caucus member Cori Bush "accused Israel of committing 'ethnic cleansing' in its ongoing war against Hamas in Gaza."

The truth is that Cori Bush, like all members of the Hamas Caucus, is dishonest to the core. Bush took to Twitter to say "We can’t be silent about Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign. Babies, dead. Pregnant women, dead. Elderly, dead. Generations of families, dead. Millions of people in Gaza with nowhere to go being slaughtered. The U.S. must stop funding these atrocities against Palestinians."

That's breathtaking dishonesty. Hamas chopped off the heads of Israeli babies. Hamas took Holocaust survivors hostage, too. I've said it before but it's worth repeating that a 2-state solution is impossible. Hamas isn't interested in Israel existing.

Warning: Graphic Content

This article puts the spotlight on Hamas's atrocities:

Three weeks after Hamas’ deadly massacre on multiple Israeli army bases, civilian communities and a music festival, Israel is still struggling to identify its dead, not only because of the size and scope of the surprise, multi-pronged terrorist attack, but also due to the sheer brutality carried out by thousands of Palestinian terrorists, say those working to identify the dead.

At the Shura Army Base, on the outskirts of the central Israeli city of Ramle, dead bodies and hacked-up body parts continued to pile up this week, still arriving from the country’s south in refrigerated trucks.

At the base, army personnel and volunteers, as well as religious authorities officiating the delicate process, described seeing atrocities reminiscent of the Holocaust – imagery not often invoked in a country whose foundations grew out of the Nazi genocide against the Jews in World War II.

This is the personification of barbarity:

How dare Cori Bush accuse Israel of committing ethnic cleansing against Palestinians. Towards the end of John Roberts' interview with Yosi Landau, Yosi said that he has Jews, Christians, Muslims, Arabs, all different ethnicities and races, in his organization. Yosi Landau is living proof that Cori Bush is lying. How dare she accuse Israel of committing ethnic cleansing and genocide!

Personal Note:

Cori Bush deserves to be censured for spreading such filthy lies about Israel. Anyone that can read knows that she's lying. Hamas must be annihilated. The Hamas Caucus must be ridiculed into irrelevancy.


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