Approaching Vivek Ramaswamy's demise?

The more Vivek Ramaswamy talks about foreign policy, the more unqualified he sounds. Last night, he tweeted that "we’re at risk of making the sequel" before predicting these things:
  1. Here’s what’s about to play out:

    Israel mounts a ground invasion of Gaza imminently.
  2. Hezbollah strikes Israel from the North, making good on its threat for Israel crossing the red line of invading Gaza.
  3. Once Israel is in a two-front war, the U.S. is effectively forced to engage militarily.
  4. Iran-backed militias in Iraq & Yemen attack U.S. targets in the Middle East, making good on their threats if the U.S. engages in Israel.
  5. Civilian casualties in Gaza cause other countries to turn their backs on Israel, while radicalized Palestinians back Hamas 2.0 to fill the leadership vacuum in Gaza.
That's the personification of not knowing history. If Mr. Ramaswamy understood history, he'd know that the next time the U.S. sent in troops to help Israel, the next time will be the first time. Israel fights its own fights. Further, Israel buys U.S. weapons more often than it gets U.S. weapons as part of an aid package.

Ramaswamy's lack of military knowledge is frightening. What's worse is that he appears to be a blind follower of Tucker Carlson. Carlson is right at times but he's an anti-war liberal far too often. Check this tweet out:

Carlson said "And yet in Washington, Ramaswamy's question qualified as a scandal. The usual chorus of liars, many of them on the so-called right, immediately denounced him as a dangerous bigot." Carlson made that assertion without identifying any of the "chorus of liars" by name, which strikes me as a tactic of the far-left. Questions that are prefaced with 'Some people say' generally are gotcha questions posed by people whose knowledge is limited. Why assume that "Iran-backed militias in Iraq & Yemen attack U.S. targets in the Middle East, making good on their threats if the U.S. engages in Israel?" These aren't assumptions made by Aaron Cohen, a former member of Israel's Special Operations Counterterrorism Unit. In other words, Cohen isn't some wet-behind-the-ears 'expert'. Check this out:

There's a way to stop the chaos without bloodshed. It's time to force the Biden administration to resume crippling sanctions on Iran. Ramaswamy and other small thinkers have focused on Hamas, Hezbollah and other Iranian proxies. That must stop immediately. What's required are policies that cripple Iran for the long-term. None of this could happen if Iran wasn't bankrolling everything. The Trump sanctions hurt Iran. When Trump left office, Iran had $4,000,000,000. It was producing 400,000 barrels of oil per day. Today, that $4,000,000,000 is $80,000,000,000. Those 400,000 bpd has jumped to 4,000,000 bpd.

It's time for Republicans to stop supporting presidential candidates who don't have solutions but are long-winded on whining. It's time for the GOP to nominate a candidate who thrives during a crisis and who is a policy genius.


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