No Reagan moments but 2 worthwhile performances stand out

FL Gov. Ron DeSantis showed that he isn't backing down from Donald Trump. Former NJ Gov. Chris Christie chimed in with his own criticism of Trump, saying that Trump wasn't there because he didn't want to defend his record. Then Gov. Christie looked into the camera and said "Donald, I know you're watching -- you can't help yourself. If you keep skipping these debates, people won't call you Donald Trump anymore. They'll call you Donald Duck."

That was too much for Orange Man Bad to take. Trump told Fox News Digital "I thought it was much more important, considering I have a 56-point lead, for me to be dealing with the UAW and the fact that the Biden Administration is going to destroy their jobs over the next two years by going all electric vehicle."

That's a lovely bit of spin but, like most of Trump's stuff these days, it's a pile of BS. Trump isn't saving anyone from anything. He's just skipping a debate. If he's actually debating, he's got lots of mistakes to defend. Gov. DeSantis hit him hard, saying that Trump promised to drain the Swamp but failing. Gov. DeSantis said Trump promised to eliminate the debt before adding $7,800,000,000,000 in debt:

No Spin Needed

James Uthmeier, Gov. DeSantis' campaign manager, spoke with CBS's Ed O'Keefe immediately after the debate in the Spin Room:

Uthmeier said that Gov. DeSantis "was the only candidate on that stage that looked like a president." Unlike other candidates, when Gov. DeSantis's criticism seemed to hit with additional force:
"Donald Trump is missing an action. He should be on this stage tonight. He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt. That set the stage for the inflation that we have," DeSantis said.
Former NJ Gov. Chris Christie turned in another solid performance, giving strong answers on border security, out-of-control Soros DAs and DC spending too much. Unlike with Gov. DeSantis, I don't think Gov. Christie has a shot at being the nominee. Still, he picked his spots on when to jump in. That's quite the contrast with Vivek Ramaswamy, who comes across as bipolar, one minute extolling the virtues of Reagan's 11th Commandment, the next minute interrupting while others were talking. It's clear that he's got a ton of intellect but little discipline.

This debate is likely to be the last for several candidates. Expect Burgum to not meet the polling requirement. Ditto with Tim Scott. If I was king-for-a-day, I'd also get rid of Ramaswamy and Pence. Pence is a good guy but he adds nothing to the debates. It's time for him to go.

Again, if I were king-for-a-day, the next debate would pit Gov. DeSantis against Nikki Haley. For all of the MSM swooning over her performances, I don't see what the buzz is about.


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