Moms for Liberty vs. the School Board Establishment

It isn't surprising that the School Board Establishment is pushing back against Moms for Liberty's efforts to halt Moms for Liberty's push for liberty. Hardline groups of Democrats obviously love their monopoly on what students get taught in K-12. The last thing they want to do is surrender that monopoly to a bunch of well-informed moms.

Democrats love grassroots politics as long as those participating are comfortable being controlled by the machine. Those uppity grassroots activists have gotten labeled as domestic terrorists by the Biden/Garland DOJ. According to USA Today's reporting, "the Southern Poverty Law Center has listed [Moms for Liberty] as an extremist group over accusations of harassing community members, advancing misinformation about LGBTQ people and fighting to remove materials about diversity from classrooms."

That's rich. Having the SPLC call parents extremists is like having arsonists call firefighters a public health hazard. The SPLC is itself extremist. Here's an example of how the SPLC defines extremism:

Across the South, local and state legislators have handed over our tax dollars to support the federal immigration dragnet, and many city police and county sheriff departments have willingly agreed to spend our tax dollars on federal immigration enforcement. What’s more, the Trump administration has punished "sanctuary" or "welcoming" cities and counties, those that have chosen not to entangle themselves in federal immigration law enforcement, by illegally cutting off federal funding.
Think about that. The SPLC thinks that those agencies that enforce the laws passed by Congress and signed by presidents over the years are extremists. Say it ain't so!

But resistance groups have formed against Moms for Liberty. One such group, Defense of Democracy, founded by two moms last year, is aimed at advocating for "a public education system that supports and enhances our shared experiences," fighting against efforts to target local schools, libraries and other spaces for kids.
This isn't surprising. When the Establishment gets challenged, it pushes back. Notice that the article says this astroturf organization is advocating for "a public education system." Why are government schools treated by Democrats like sacred cows? If government schools want to exist, let them compete with private/parochial schools. According to this SPLC spokesperson, Moms for Liberty hate people who aren't like them:

Notice, though, that Moms for Liberty have chairs from across the political spectrum and all sexual preferences. Further, notice that SPLC is pushing for pornographic books being included in grade school libraries. Imagine having a 7- or 8-year-old being able to read books about gender identity or gender fluidity. Isn't the SPLC the extremist organization, not Moms for Liberty? If that doesn't convince you, check this out:
Before Tiffany Justice co-founded Moms for Liberty, she served on the school board of the Indian River County, Florida, school district during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic when schools were implementing masks and lockdowns.

"I watched as parents were coming and saying, 'I'm very concerned about my child. My child isn't learning well. They're suffering from forced quarantining or masking,' and it just became very apparent that government schools - our public schools in America - didn't really give a hoot what parents said or did or what their concerns were," Justice, a mother of four, told USA TODAY.

If there's anything that's constant about the School Board Establishment, it's that they don't listen and that they're exceptionally arrogant. When Scott Smith attended a Loudoun County School Board meeting to complain about the LCPS School Board covering up the secual assault of his daughter, he got arrested because a school board activist literally got in his face and said that Smith had lied, that his daughter hadn't gotten sexually assaulted.

Parental rights organizations haven't gotten the school boards' attention so they started getting elected to their school boards. Isn't that how things are supposed to work? Parents, not school boards, should have the final say in their children's education.

School boards, with the 'help' of teachers unions, kept schools closed. That, in turn, caused significant, sometimes dramatic learning loss. Government schools fell behind. Private and parochial schools stayed open so their students didn't suffer the learning loss like the government schools' students did.

Organizations like Defense of Democracy are fighting back but with less-than-popular beliefs:

Watkins condemned Moms for Liberty's stances on critical race theory and how the group embraces a harmful narrative around children who undergo gender-affirming care. She also said that as a veteran, she believes in freedom and differences in ideas.
Schools need parental permission to dispense aspirin but here in Minnesota, teachers are permitted to hide from parents that their children want to change genders. There isn't a place anywhere where that's logical. As usual, people of faith are criticized by these elitists:
"We have marginalized groups…queer community and people of color that are being targeted by religious extremists in our country," Watkins said. "And as somebody that was served and sent overseas to fight against religious extremism in other countries, it's hard to sit back and not do something about it."
Since when did Christ's teachings become hateful?


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