Merrick Garland's Waterloo moment

Merrick Garland did his best to tap-dance through a mine field during Jim Jordan's Judiciary Committee hearing on David Weiss's intentional mishandling of Hunter Biden's corruption investigation. He failed. Jim Jordan nailed Garland during Chairman Jordan's cross-examination of AG Garland.

Before that, though, Garland tap-danced himself right into the middle of a mine field during his opening statement. During his opening statement, Garland said "Our job is to pursue justice, without fear or favor. Our job is not to do what is politically convenient. Our job is not to take orders from the president, from Congress or from anyone else about who or what to criminally investigate. As the President himself has said, and I reaffirm today, I am not the president's lawyer. I will add I am not Congress’s prosecutor. The Justice Department works for the American people. Our job is to follow the facts and the law. That is what we do."

AG Garland is right in this respect. It isn't easy running interference for Joe Biden's corrupt crack-head son. That's essentially what Garland's job description is. I don't know if AG Garland made the final decision to let Hunter Biden's felony tax evasion charges run past the statute of limitations. Still, that's what happened. By not getting an indictment on those charges, Hunter can't be prosecuted on those charges.

That's a big deal because the 2014-15 felony tax evasion charges connected to Joe Biden's work as "The Brand" in getting Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin terminated. We'll return to that in a bit. First, check this out:

Bingo. Refuse to partner with David Weiss so Weiss couldn't prosecute Hunter Biden on felony tax evasion charges is essentially the same as turning Weiss down. It's a distinction without a difference. Check this out: AG Garland told Matt Gaetz that "I have left these matters to Mr. Weiss." Isn't that convenient? AG Garland just admitted that he didn't exercise supervisory control over the biggest investigation of the Biden administration. Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley calls this "willful blindness":

Here's a question that didn't get asked: why didn't you supervise David Weiss's investigation. Here's a follow-up question: Gen. Garland, you said that you promised to let Mr. Weiss conduct this investigation without harrassing him. Isn't it possible to get updates without harrassing him? Isn't it possible to exercise supervisory control without harrassing Mr. Weiss?

Finally, didn't you have a responsibility to exercise supervisory control so Mr. Weiss wouldn't offer Hunter Biden the biggest sweetheart deal in the history of corruption? By not supervising Mr. Weiss, AG Garland let Weiss work with Hunter's defense team to protect Hunter Biden and Joe Biden. Isn't that convenient? I'm sure that's 100% coincidental.


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