Is 2024 the election where principles & integrity don't matter?

Apparently, 2024 is the presidential election when principles and integrity are optional. After the constant onslaught of polls showing Trump and Biden leading, it's difficult not to think back to when we had the option of voting for a man of integrity. The last year that happened was 1984. President Reagan, where are you when we need your vision and integrity most?

This year, if we trust the polls (which I don't), our options are a grifter from Delaware and a businessman who throws his best employees under the bus without hesitation. Even Newt Gingrich thinks that the race is over for the GOP nomination. He thinks that Trump is the prohibitive favorite.

I'm hoping that the American people still have common sense. I'm hoping that the American people still put a high priority on integrity. At this point, though, it's disturbing that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the polling leaders.

Here's Newt's declaration on the state of the GOP presidential primary:

I've got this crazy thought about determining the GOP nominee. Let's let people in each of the 50 states vote on who they want. In the past, I've liked Newt's predictions. This time, he's essentially telling conservative activists that they should accept Trump (his preferred choice) and drop this notion that they get a say in the matter.

Expecting Trump to do the right thing is a fool's errand. Let's let these debates inform the people of Trump's failures. It took a little over 1 minute for Gov. DeSantis to illustrate how much of a fraud Trump is. It didn't take long:

For people that vote based on what candidates have accomplished, Trump is a nobody. His economy was good but it wasn't the best of all-time like Trump insists. He had 3 years of growth that averaged 2.5% growth per year. Compare that with Reagan's economy that grew 5.4% per year for 6 years. Inflation was cut in half. The unemployment rate was cut in half. Most importantly, America rediscovered patriotism under Reagan. During this riff, Kudlow lays out a blueprint of what the American people want:

As I listened to Mr. Kudlow's closing argument, it was obvious that he was talking about the anti-Trump. He spoke of restoring traditional family values and restoring parental rights. Mr. Trump didn't restore traditional family values during his first term. By comparison, Gov. DeSantis explained how he chose to serve in Iraq, then returned home to Florida and implemented a parental rights bill. BTW, Trump said that he would've cut a deal with Disney and given them another 10 years of corporate welfare. After that, I'm supposed to think that Trump will drain the DC Swamp? That's insulting. Gov. DeSantis is the most qualified, most patriotic, most intelligent candidate in the field: Trump is a blowhard. Let's dump those that talk a good game but underdeliver.


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