Steve Deace endorses Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis just got endorsed by one of Iowa's highest-profile conservatives. DeSantis just earned Steve Deace's endorsement. The Washington Times published Deace's op-ed explaining why he's endorsing Gov. DeSantis.

Deace opened his op-ed by saying "Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has done more damage to the leftists intent on destroying America than any politician I’ve seen in my lifetime. He threw out the Republicans’ losing playbook, took no prisoners, and showed conservatives what it looks like to go on the offensive and win. When he made promises, he delivered — and then some."

Apparently, Gov. DeSantis's leadership qualities have impressed Deace. So has Gov. DeSantis's ability to go on offense against Woke Inc. and by delivering on things like Florida's parental rights bill against the odds. Disney threw the kitchen sink at Gov. DeSantis. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out that Disney dominates the corporate landscape in Florida. When they threatened to upend the so-called "Don't say gay Bill", Gov. DeSantis didn't back down. Instead, he fought Disney, then defeated Disney.

More from Deace's op-ed:

His proven leadership aside, here are the three reasons why I decided to finally endorse Mr. DeSantis for president:
First, while I host a national show on BlazeTV, I live in Iowa, the first-in-the-nation caucus state. I’m heavily involved in the process here, and I’ve always believed that the audience deserves honesty whenever those who are blessed to do what I do for a living can provide it. My overall analysis was already favorable to Mr. DeSantis before the endorsement, but now you know where I stand and can filter my commentary through that lens on your own.

Second, there won’t be an option to vote for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election. He has real electability issues, but even more fundamental than that, I don’t believe you’ll be able to vote for him even if you want to. He will either be in prison by this time next year or forced to take a plea deal to stay out of it. The D.C. gulag wants to imprison him by hook or by crook — maybe even by Super Tuesday.

Every day we refuse to recognize this inevitable outcome is a wasted day. Since Republicans in Congress won’t defund the Department of Justice (which Mr. Trump bizarrely hasn’t asked for), the only way to stop the persecution of Mr. Trump is to win the election with a candidate who will break the system and clean house.

If Mr. Trump isn’t on the ballot, who else has an actual record of draining swamps other than Mr. DeSantis? Nobody. ...

Third, I fear the window to peaceably but meaningfully stop America’s decline through the political process is closing. The only way to revive America’s future is by securing policy victories. We have already discredited the left’s media. We have already discredited their institutions. We have already discredited their system. Mr. Trump played an admirable and vital role in that, for which I am grateful, no doubt.

The problem? After the three years of hell this country went through, not a single meaningful incumbent lost power. There were only two places where the Democratic Party was rightfully destroyed: Florida and Iowa, two places with governors who didn’t surrender their people to generational damage at the hands of Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and Mr. Trump.

On the right, we have forgotten that we will either meet the enemy in the arena of public policy or in the arena of war. That is the lesson of history. If we don’t win on policy outcomes now, we will sentence our children and grandchildren to have to win on the battlefield later. Those are the only two options. We can’t win on policy without governing. To govern, we need the buy-in of our fellow citizens.

Check this out:

I've watched most of the major interviews that Gov. DeSantis has done, including the Megyn Kelly interview, the Bret Baier interview, the Brian Sullivan interview (if you haven't watched that, do so today -- it's that good) and I've watched Bret Baier's interview of Trump. The difference between Trump and DeSantis in the Bret Baier interviews is stunning.

Gov. DeSantis comes across as polished and well-informed. Former President Trump came across as angry because Baier wouldn't let him give his long, rambling answers and because Baier challenged Trump about his legal issues and Trump's personnel choices. I've said for 2+ months that DeSantis is the man with a plan and a lengthy list of thoroughly conservative accomplishments. In my opinion, that sets him apart from Trump.


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