Donald Trump: inevitable nominee? Or biggest victim?

If Trump Fatigue is slowly building, which I think it is, is it most likely to manifest itself when Trump plays the 'inevitable nominee' card? Or is it more likely to happen when Trump plays the 'nobody treats me fairly' card? Anyone that's paid attention to Mr. Trump the last 6-9 months knows that he's adept at playing both cards, sometimes playing both in the same interview.

If Trump is in the dominant polling position that he tells us he's in virtually on a daily basis, then it comes across as sour grapes when he plays the victim card. For a man who's attempting to portray himself as the most powerful political figure in the U.S., it's time for him to stop acting like a whiny little wimp. Rich Lowry's article does a nice job of highlighting Trump's weird affinity for the victim card.

He wrote "There are many words that presidential candidates commonly seek to apply to themselves — 'brave,' 'principled,' 'independent' and the like — but 'victim' is rarely one of them. Donald Trump, though, is unafraid of the word; indeed, he has an affinity for it."

I'm certain that Trump's usage of those words are strategic, though he appears to not like preparation or thought. Frankly, Trump's use of leverage is part of why the people are starting to tire of his antics.

America's Newsroom held an after-debate focus group. It's a 2-part interview which I found fascinating. Here's Part I:

Here's Part II:

I found the young lady who described herself as undecided fascinating. She said she thought Vivek handled the insults well but, after listening to other panelists, she's leaning towards DeSantis. Dana Perino described it as a battle between the heart and mind. This young lady said "The mind is the one that has to win that one." That doesn't sound like a voter that Trump can reach. This young lady liked how Gov. DeSantis had answers for each of the questions. That isn't Trump.

Last night, Donald Trump made a mistake by not participating in the debate. He had a shot at proving that he's the inevitable nominee. Instead, he played another leveraged, too-clever-by-half games. In doing so, he ceded the floor to Gov. DeSantis, his chief rival, to make a great first impression. The people need a president who maintains his concentration until the project is finished. We need a president who is then disciplined enough to then congratulate the team without stuffing his foot into his mouth.


  1. I wish Trump had attended, but we learned more about rest in his absence. Who, for example, saw Nicki Haley being judged the winner by over half of the 30+ pundits I surveyed? Anyone else surprised and disappointed by Rick Scott, who we know can do better? Without The Donald there, Ramaswamy’s energy boiled over to become annoying at times.


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