Bidenomics' Definition

Joe Biden got pushed into accepting the term Bidenomics. He didn't really want to defend that term but he didn't have much of a choice. It's like the old story about a guy getting run out of town. Rather than look like he's getting run out of town, he puts a smile on his face and acts like he's leading a parade.

Let's be clear about something before we get into the technical definition of Bidenomics. It isn't the economy, Stupid. It's the inflation, Stupid. The economy is creating jobs, which Joe Biden robotically reminds us of each month. I'm happy that we're at full employment. It's time to teach people what a job is.

A job is a vehicle a person uses to acquire wealth so they can live the American Dream. It's a vehicle that individuals or families use to increase their standards of living. When the right economic policies are put in place, jobs are plentiful and secure.

Bidenomics' definition

Bidenomics is the condition when individuals or families run out of money before all their bills are paid. That, in turn, causes people to buy daily necessities with plastic. That, in turn, causes people to max out their credit cards. That, in turn, causes people to withdraw money from their retirement accounts. That's exactly what's happening right now. This week, for the first time in history, credit card debt topped $1,000,000,000,000.

Fixing the crisis

Putting the right policies in place is the essential first step. Having plentiful, inexpensive energy is what's required to build a prolific economy. When energy, aka fossil fuels, is plentiful, it's inexpensive, too. That means inflation essentially disappears, people have enough money to save money for retirement or for their kids' college education.

Joe Biden talked about the Green New Deal in Milwaukee:

He delivered his remarks at Ingeteam Inc., a manufacturer that specializes in electric power conversion, one day before the anniversary of the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act, legislation passed last year that made historic investments in clean energy. "When I think climate, I think jobs," Biden said.
When I think climate, I think 'China's getting rich again.' That's where we get most of our raw materials from. The U.S. barely hits the kiddie ranks when it comes to Green New Deal stuff. When I listen to this guy, I get ill:

That's insulting. Biden says that people saved money on their energy bills as a result of his bill. As a resident of Minnesota, I paid more in heating bills during the first half of this heating than I paid during the entire heating season the previous season.

When Biden starts spewing statistics, they're usually lies. It's best to fact-check him, then ridicule him.


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