Joseph Ziegler and identifying the Deep State

Special Agent Joseph Ziegler, aka Whistleblower X, sat down for an interview with Catherine Herridge, the CBS senior investigative correspondent. During their interview, Ziegler told Herridge that he "felt handcuffed" during the investigation.

Reporting for CBS, Herridge was asked about the partisanship between House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jamie Raskin and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan about the IRS's investigation into Hunter Biden. Herridge replied that she relies on the transcripts of the depositions given by the whistleblowers because Herridge noted that the people getting deposed are under oath, therefore meaning any intentional misstatements are potentially subject to perjury.

As for yesterday's hearing, Raskin insisted that "the only political interference at play here is coming from Donald Trump and my Republican colleagues." That's a whopper that's earned a bottomless Pinocchio. If Raskin wanted to make headlines, he did it with that distraction. Donald Trump doesn't have anything to do with Hunter Biden's taxes. Here's Herridge's report from yesterday morning:

When Trump picked Christopher Wray to be his FBI Director, people touted him as an old-fashioned law enforcement guy with a bipartisan background. (He'd worked in Republican and Democrat administrations.) Apparently, that meant nothing. Christopher Wray is just as much a part of the Deep State/Swamp as Comey. You have to bring in someone from outside the system, someone with integrity. Further, you can't leave the positions open, aka the Trump Plan. If you aren't filling all the spots with people of integrity from Day One, you're giving the Deep State/Swamp time to infect your administration. Based on what's been put out there about the DeSantis working group on "breaking the Swamp", a President DeSantis is already putting together a list of nominees for the DOJ, FBI, IRS and the State Department.

That's something that Trump is too unprepared to do. He's mostly bluster. He hasn't put in the work to crush the Swamp. If you won't put in the deep research, the Deep State/Swamp will defeat you each time.

Then there's this:

Democrats have also focused on Shapley's and Ziegler's choice of legal representation; their attorneys have had connections to Republican Party politics. Those attorneys counter that they have worked with both Republican and Democratic whistleblowers and organizations. Democrats also questioned whether the two agents lacked visibility into the factors prosecutors faced when making decisions about what charges to bring. [Democrats] noted that Hunter Biden has repaid the taxes he owed.
That's partially true. Thanks to the DOJ's roadblocks, the years when Hunter made the most money from Burisma were also the years when he didn't pay his legal tax obligation. Ziegler said that should've been charged as felony tax evasion. Instead, Hunter won't pay any taxes for those years because the statute of limitations has expired on those years. Further, that's a sweet system if you don't pay taxes on $1,000,000 of income unless the IRS catches you. How many companies would take that chance? That deal isn't available to the average business, though, unless your last name is Biden, Clinton or Kerry.

It's time to return to a system where the laws are applied equally whether you're Hunter Biden or a nobody. That's the only fair system.


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