Is Joe Biden our Grifter-in-Chief?

Apparently, Joe Biden doesn't care about the law or Supreme Court rulings. When asked about the ruling on his student loan bailout, Biden said that the Supreme Court misinterpreted the Constitution. He knows they didn't. That's just what he said to preserve the opportunity to introduce his next unconstitutional plan that will get rejected by the Supreme Court. This isn't about whether it's constitutional. It's about whether he can con enough young people into voting for him in 2024.

Biden must've anticipated this ruling. Within an hour of the ruling, the Administration was out with this detailed fact sheet to replace the plan that he knew would fail. It opens with the same partisan attack as Democrats have mouthed. The fact sheet opens by saying "No President has fought harder for student debt relief than President Biden, and he’s not done yet. President Biden and Vice President Harris will not let Republican elected officials succeed in denying hardworking Americans the relief they need."

This is how the fact sheet continues:

In light of the Supreme Court’s ruling this morning, President Biden and his Administration have already taken two steps this afternoon aimed at providing debt relief for as many borrowers as possible, as fast as possible, and supporting student loan borrowers:
  • The Secretary of Education initiated a rulemaking process aimed at opening an alternative path to debt relief for as many working and middle-class borrowers as possible, using the Secretary’s authority under the Higher Education Act.
  • The Department of Education (Department) finalized the most affordable repayment plan ever created, ensuring that borrowers will be able to take advantage of this plan this summer—before loan payments are due. Many borrowers will not have to make monthly payments under this plan. Those that do will save more than $1,000 a year.
Biden knows that this is DOA the minute it hits the courts. He also knows that the Supreme Court won't rule on it until after the 2024 presidential election. That's the key. What a dishonest, grumpy old man this is. Check him out:

This is a grift. Notice that he "the Republicans snatched away the hope that they were given and that hope was real." What did Republicans have to do with the Supreme Court's ruling? A: Nothing. Republicans were no more involved in this than Democrats were involved.

That's proof that Biden intends on using this attack to politically hurt Republicans. That isn't his only mission. His missions are a) to smear Republicans with lies and b) con young people into voting for him with those lies. I'd further add that Joe Biden is a liar if it wasn't this obvious. He knows that the Supreme Court didn't misinterpret the Constitution. This fact sheet was put together awhile ago. Check out the detail in the fact sheet:

In addition, to protect the most vulnerable borrowers from the worst consequences of missed payments following the payment restart, the Department is instituting a 12-month "on-ramp" to repayment, running from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024, so that financially vulnerable borrowers who miss monthly payments during this period are not considered delinquent, reported to credit bureaus, placed in default, or referred to debt collection agencies.
You don't put together an alternative fact sheet in an hour that's this detailed. This is noteworthy:
The Department issued a notice, which is the first step in the process of issuing new regulations under this so-called "negotiated rulemaking" process. The notice announces a virtual public hearing on July 18th and solicits written comments from stakeholders on topics to consider. Following the public hearing, the Department will finalize the issues to be addressed through rulemaking and begin the negotiated rulemaking sessions this fall. The Department will complete this rulemaking as quickly as possible.

The Biden-Harris Administration today also finalized the most affordable repayment plan ever created, called the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan. This income-driven repayment plan will cut borrowers’ monthly payments in half, allow many borrowers to make $0 monthly payments, save all other borrowers at least $1,000 per year, and ensure borrowers don’t see their balances grow from unpaid interest.

There's Biden's fatal flaw. This is a new program put in place by a Democrat administration. This isn't a modification, either. That means it falls under the jurisdiction of the major-questions doctrine. Anything of this size must get congressional approval. That's how the Constitution works.

The fact sheet says "Specifically, the plan will forgive loan balances after 10 years of payments, instead of 20 years, for borrowers with original loan balances of $12,000 or less. The Department estimates that this reform will allow nearly all community college borrowers to be debt-free within 10 years." Again, that's a major change in the Higher Education Act. Here's the goal of these changes:

The Department estimates that this reform will allow nearly all community college borrowers to be debt-free within 10 years.
Total debt forgiveness is definitely another major change. That isn't a modification. This plan is doomed, too.

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