Honoring Hunter's Heroes Brigade

It's time to honor the men and woman who comprise the Hunter's Heroes Brigade. Thanks to these men and woman, Hunter's sweetheart plea deal collapsed yesterday. Since each person played a unique role in this saga, it's only fair to introduce them one-by-one. As a gentleman, ladies go first.

Judge Maryellen Noreika

Judge Noreika deserves our applause because she questioned the DOJ-Hunter defense team's collusive plea agreement. Things started unraveling when she said that "she was confused by the deal's diversion agreement, which called for Biden to remain drug-free without committing additional crimes in order to see the gun charge dismissed." Hunter's defense team "and prosecutors wanted to keep that agreement separate from the tax matters, Noreika wanted to know if it was all part of a 'package deal.' Biden acknowledged that without the provisions of the diversion deal he would not be pleading guilty." It didn't take long from there for the deal to unravel.

Sen. Chuck Grassley

After the sweetheart plea agreement was announced, Sen. Grassley kicked his investigation into high gear. He'd been in possession of the FBI FD-1023 that announced that Joe Biden had allegedly tried bribing a Burisma executive for quite some time. After the Democrats' sweetheart plea was announced and after the FBI kept playing games with the document, Sen. Grassley took things into his own hands. Since the FD-1023 wasn't classified, Sen. Grassley simply released it. After that, all hell broke loose. Before you knew it, a hearing was put together where a pair of IRS whistleblowers testified to the fact that the Garland DOJ ran interference multiple times for Hunter.

Gary Shapley

Gary Shapley was identified almost immediately as an IRS whistleblower who would testify at the House Oversight Committee hearing:

House Oversight Chair James Comer said on Wednesday that Gary Shapley, the IRS whistleblower who has alleged the Justice Department and a U.S. attorney’s office interfered in their Hunter Biden investigation, will testify before the panel next week.

"We need to hear from whistleblowers and other witnesses about this weaponization of federal law enforcement power. This hearing is an opportunity for the American people to hear directly from these credible and brave whistleblowers," Comer (R-Ky.) said

"I look forward to their testimony as the Oversight Committee, along with the House Judiciary Committee and Ways and Means Committee, work to deliver transparency and accountability," Comer said, referring to the two other committees he is investigating the allegation with.

Joseph Ziegler

I've saved the best for last. This video shows the whistleblowers' statements and the Democrats' attempt at defending against the accusations:

At one point in the news segment, Democrat Ranking Member Jamie Raskin said that there wasn't anything pointing to Joe Biden. Apparently, it didn't dawn on him that that's because the DOJ prohibited investigations into Joe, Jim or Hunter Biden.

Thank God for men and women of integrity. Thank God for people like Judge Noreika, Sen. Grassley, Agent Shapley and Agent Ziegler.


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