Devon Archer's testimony

Joe Biden's credibility is at stake when Devon Archer sits down for a deposition Monday morning. That's because Archer is potentially the Bidens' Kryptonite. Because he's Hunter Biden's former business partner, he knows 'where the bodies are buried.' Thanks to Sarah Bedford's investigative reporting, we know "Archer is expected to testify about the extent of President Joe Biden’s involvement in his son’s foreign business dealings, potentially roping the president more deeply into a scandal he has thus far studiously avoided."

Thus far, Biden's accomplices in the corporate media and in the Democrat Party have said that the GOP hasn't turned up any evidence of Joe Biden's complicity in Hunter's scandal. Of course, they're lying. The GOP has unearthed plenty of evidence of Joe's ties to Hunter's shady business dealings. Democrats, like Joe, realize that any verifiable evidence of Joe and Hunter's ties to each other means Joe's credibility gets shredded virtually immediately.

Miranda Devine has been on top of all things Hunter since her blockbuster story in October, 2020. Earlier this morning, Devine tweeted this:

On Saturday, the DOJ issued a statement that seemed to instruct the judge to force Archer to surrender before he testified to the House Oversight Committee Monday. The reason why the DOJ didn't want Archer testifying is straightforward:
Archer is expected to tell congressional investigators that Hunter Biden frequently put his father on speakerphone to talk to Burisma officials at the height of his lobbying work for the Ukrainian company. At the time, Hunter Biden and Archer were working to stop an investigation into Mykola Zlochevsky, the head of Burisma, that was being led by Viktor Shokin, then the top prosecutor in Ukraine.
Joe Biden leveraged his position at the time to get Shokin fired:

The last thing Biden wanted was for Shokin to find out about Zlochevsky's corruption. At the time, Biden said that Ukraine fired Shokin and "replaced him with someone solid." That's the public statement from Biden. The real reason was to prevent Shokin from finding out what Slochevsky had done through Joe and Hunter Biden. Then there's this tidbit:
Joe Biden publicly called for Shokin to be fired and privately threatened to withhold U.S. aid from Ukraine if he was not. The timing of the calls Hunter Biden facilitated between his father and the Burisma executives, Archer is expected to say, lines up with actions Joe Biden took that benefitted Zlochevsky and Burisma directly.
Joe Biden's credibility is on the line this morning. Devon Archer has nothing to lose, especially since the Bidens essentially tossed him aside. That guarantees that the corporate media will be defending Joe against anything Archer says.


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