Christopher Wray's inadvertent confession

It isn't every day that the FBI Director admits that his Bureau's biggest crisis is himself and the FBI's upper management. Still, according to Kim Strassel's Potomac Watch column, that's what Christopher Wray did when he testified at the House Judiciary Committee hearing.

Director Wray started his opening statement "before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday by praising the bureau’s 38,000 rank-and-file personnel who protect the country 'each and every day.'" That's when Ms. Strassel dropped the hammer, saying "In doing so, he inadvertently highlighted the FBI’s real problem: the politicized few at the top." BINGO!

Ms. Strassel then expressed her thoughts about the FBI rank-and-file, writing "In his testimony, Mr. Wray rightly noted that FBI agents battle child predators, fentanyl cartels, Chinese espionage, cyberattackers, gangs, foreign terrorists and human traffickers. He griped that this work is overshadowed by 'the one or two investigations that seem to capture all the headlines.' And whose fault is that? Those 'one or two' (or five or 10) probes are hardly tiny affairs, but some of the biggest scandals in FBI history, in part because of bureau actions that violated bedrock American principles."

And as the hearing illuminated, those headline cases have something in common: The bad judgment and poor behavior mostly comes from the upper echelons—FBI headquarters, senior agents, task force leaders and Justice Department honchos. They are the ones damaging the bureau’s reputation and undermining the good work of everyone else.
FBI 'management' has been evasive, dishonest and corrupt. The FBI notified Hunter Biden's attorneys that the IRS wanted to search Hunter's storage unit, giving Team Biden time to 'tidy up' the storage unit. That means the FBI acts as Hunter's protection team when Hunter gets in trouble.

That isn't a law enforcement activity. That's a clean-up operation.

Think about this, too. The FBI upper management wouldn't admit that the FD-1023 that's now causing the uproar in DC existed. The FBI admitted that it existed only after Sen. Grassley told them that he'd read the unredacted FD-1023. The rank-and-file didn't play those games. That was FBI upper management. Period. You'd expect this type of dishonesty from ABC:

The reporter said Republicans are "trying to paint the FBI as acting politically." That's a dishonest statement. House Judiciary Committee Republicans didn't make accusations that the entire FBI tried protecting Hunter Biden. As Ms. Strassel highlighted, the people protecting Hunter are the upper echelon of the FBI. They did that because the Biden administration is populated with Deep State denizens and Swamp critters.

What Wray did with his opening statement is despicable. He tried shielding the corrupt upper management of the FBI by using the FBI rank-and-file as human shields against the true investigators. That's what a coward does. That isn't what a patriot does. Then there's this:

The FBI should have learned one obvious lesson from its disastrous Crossfire Hurricane investigation into nonexistent Trump-Russia collusion: Don’t strip cases from field offices to run them out of the political hotbed known as Washington. Yet the FBI keeps doing it.

Take the unprecedented August 2022 raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Steven D’Antuono, then in charge of the FBI’s Washington field office, told House investigators last month that he questioned why headquarters assigned the raid to Washington—not Miami. He also voiced his concerns that no U.S. attorney was assigned to oversee the case—the usual step. Instead it was left in the hands of the Justice Department’s chief of counterintelligence, pit bull Jay Bratt. Mr. D’Antuono said he pushed back against the department’s demand for an immediate raid, arguing the FBI should first attempt to get consent for a search—which would have been "the best thing for all parties"—"for the FBI, for former President Trump and for the country."

Christopher Wray's FBI and Merrick Garland's DOJ don't want the rank-and-file running the operations. They want their Deep State denizens running the operation. If the target of the operation is a Democrat, the Deep State denizen does what it can to protect the Democrat. If the operation is targeting a Republican, the Deep Stater does whatever he can to intimidate the Republican. It's time to clean house on these Deep State corruption specialists.


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