Is the Democrats' tired schtick finally dying? Let's hope so

Back in 1987, President Reagan's picked Robert Bork to replace Lewis Powell on the Supreme Court. Ted Kennedy rushed to the Senate floor to condemn Bork in a fact-free rant that's now infamous. Kennedy said "Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens' doors in midnight raids, school children could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists could be censored at the whim of the government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is-and is often the only-protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy."

Sen. Kennedy's rant became part-and-parcel of the Democrats' rants in every campaign. Democrats adapted Sen. Kennedy's rant against Robert Bork to use in political campaigns, too. It's now part of the Democrats' fact-free rants against politicians and candidates. Accusations usually insist that candidates are 'far outside the mainstream.' Joe Biden is insisting that Republicans want to strip seniors of their Social Security and Medicare benefits. This is Kennedy's 'borking' speech:

During the 2000 presidential election, a racist ad was put together to dishonestly tell the story of James Byrd, Jr. Byrd was dragged to his death while being chained and dragged behind a pickup truck. In the ad, Byrd's daughter said that when then-Gov. George W. Bush didn't sign a hate crime law, "It was like watching my daddy die all over again." Playing the race card is one of the Democrats' favorite, time-tested tactics. SisterToljah wrote this article over at RedState, which is highly relevant:
Hi, I’m Denée Benton, actor and proud CMU alum. Earlier tonight, CMU and the Tony Awards presented the 2023 Excellence in Theatre Education Award. And while I am certain that the current Grand Wizard, I’m sorry, excuse me, governor of my home state of Florida will be changing [audience gasps, applauds] I am sure that he will be changing the name of this following town immediately, we were honored to present this award to the truly incredible and life-changing Jason Zembuch Young, enhancing the lives at students at South Plantation High School in Plantation, Florida."

LOL. Does Goldman seriously think mainstream voters who haven’t made up their minds yet will be persuaded to support another candidate based on Benton’s comments? Well, he probably does believe that will happen, but that’s his problem.

Honestly, I can’t think of a better 'endorsement' for DeSantis to receive than one from his rabid critics at Woke, Inc., a Democrat/media-led industry he has done an admirable job of turning the tables on and deflating during his time as the Sunshine State’s governor.

It's time to turn the tables on Democrats. Remind your neighbors, friends, etc. that Democrats were the people who seceded from the Union rather than give up their slaves. Remind them that Democrats were the ones who filibustered the Civil Rights Act for 75 days rather than giving minorities full access to civil rights. Remind people that Democrats are the Party of Jim Crow, Bull Conner and the KKK. Remind people that Republicans fought the Civil War and that it was a Republican who signed the Emancipation Proclamation.

After that, remind people that Democrats are the people who fought for mask and vaccine mandates, who rejoiced when service men and women, nurses and city employees got fired for not accepting the vaccine. Remind people that Democrats are the idiots who want to eliminate gas stoves, gas furnaces, etc. Provide people with proof that Democrats want to do the planning for you.

Finally, remind people that, unlike Democrats' thinking, conservatives believe in the power of the family, the blessings of organizations like Moms for Liberty telling school boards that parents, not school boards, determine what their children shall be taught.


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