Hunter Biden, Joe Biden & Devon Archer vs. detailed banking records

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jamie Comer and his committee have been doing a terrific job of investigating what's often called the Biden Family Crime Syndicate. House Democrats have criticized the investigation but it's still uncovered lots of information.

The investigation done by the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee is less heralded but is well-researched, too. A quick perusal of the HSGAC investigation's executive summary is eye-popping.

For instance, the executive summary reports that "On April 16, 2014, Vice President Biden met with his son’s business partner, Devon Archer, at the White House. Five days later, Vice President Biden visited Ukraine, and he soon after was described in the press as the 'public face of the administration’s handling of Ukraine.' The day after his visit, on April 22, Archer joined the board of Burisma. Six days later, on April 28, British officials seized $23 million from the London bank accounts of Burisma’s owner, Mykola Zlochevsky. Fourteen days later, on May 12, Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma, and over the course of the next several years, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were paid millions of dollars from a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch for their participation on the board."

On Friday's edition of Kudlow, House Oversight Committee member Marjorie Taylor-Greene broke this news:

She said "Here's the real situation for you. I'll break some news for you on your show. I had a meeting today with Kevin McCarthy in his office in the Capitol and there is investigations that are being launched into Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland and we're going to hunt that investigation as far as we can and if it leads to impeachment, the Speaker is just fine with it." Rep. Taylor-Greene has frequently been characterized as a lunatic fringer, etc., sometimes with justification. Still, it'd be a mistake to think she isn't a serious investigator following the evidence to some smoking gun evidence. This is important information, too:
The Chairmen’s investigation into potential conflicts of interest began in August 2019, with Chairman Grassley’s letter to the Department of Treasury regarding potential conflicts of interest with respect to Obama administration policy relating to the Henniges transaction.

During the Obama administration, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) approved a transaction that gave control over Henniges, an American maker of anti-vibration technologies with military applications, to a Chinese government-owned aviation company and a China-based investment firm with established ties to the Chinese government. One of the companies involved in the Henniges transaction was a billion-dollar private investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). BHR was formed in November 2013 by a merger between the Chinese-government-linked firm Bohai Capital and a company named Rosemont Seneca Partners. Rosemont Seneca was formed in 2009 by Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, by Chris Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, and others.

Then there's this:
During the same period, there is also evidence that Hunter Biden moved large sums of money from his firm, Owasco, to James Biden’s consulting firm, the Lion Hall Group. Between Aug. 14, 2017 and Aug. 3, 2018, Owasco sent 20 wires totaling $1,398,999 to the Lion Hall Group, a consulting firm that lists James Biden and his wife, Sara Biden, on the bank account. This transaction was identified for potential criminal financial activity. These transfers began less than one week after CEFC Infrastructure Investment wired $5 million to Hudson West III and Hudson West III sent its first payment of $400,000 to Owasco. Most of the payments from Owasco to the Lion Hall Group had vague notes in the memo lines, 15 of which simply indicated that they were for further credit to James Biden; however, the memo line for one of the payments read “HW3,” which indicates some of the transferred money could be from Hudson West III. When the bank contacted Sara Biden regarding the overall wire activity, she stated that the Lion Hall Group and Owasco provide international and business consulting and that the Lion Hall Group was assisting Owasco with an international client through a contract that had since terminated.Sara Biden told the bank that she would not provide any supporting documentation, and she also refused to provide additional information to more clearly explain the activity. Consequently, the bank submitted the account for closure.
That sounds like code for I refuse to testify on the grounds that it might incriminate me. BTW, how many Bidens are involved in these schemes? What was Sara Biden's role in her hubby's 'consulting firm'?

Rep. Taylor-Greene talked about connecting the dots from the different bank statements and different Suspicious Activity Reports. The information here certainly puts lots of flesh on that skeleton.


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