Adam Schiff's 'Badge of Honor'?

Yesterday, Adam Schiff was censured by the House of Representatives. The charge against Rep. Schiff is that he's accused of lying to Congress and disgracing the House. Instead of admitting that he's a dishonest low-life loser in need of moral rehabilitation, Schiff said that this censure was a badge of honor. That's proof of Schiff's extremely loose grip on reality.

Let's go through the things that earned Schiff his 'badge of honor.' Devin Nunes wrote this letter that cites the findings of the Horowitz Report. The Horowitz Report isn't cause for celebration. From that Report, Nunes cited " on December 9, 2019, U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz published the results of his investigation of the FISA warrant and renewals obtained by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) to spy on Trump campaign associate Carter Page. The IG’s findings of pervasive, major abuses by the FBI dramatically contradict the assertions of your memo released on February 24, 2018, in which you claimed, "FBI and DOJ officials did not ‘abuse’ the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) process, omit material information, or subvert this vital tool to spy on the Trump Campaign." In other words, Inspector General Horowitz said that Mr. Schiff didn't just lie but that he told some major whoppers.

Here's what Schiff said in his speech:

I say this to Speaker McCarthy and others who wish to gratify Donald Trump with this act of subservience or bend to his demands — try as you might to expel me from Congress, or silence me with a $16 million dollar fine, you will not succeed. You might as well make it $160 million. You will never deter me from doing my duty. No matter how many false justifications or slanders you level against me, you but indict yourselves. As Liz Cheney said, "there will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain."
Quoting Liz Cheney is itself proof that Mr. Schiff doesn't understand how low he's sinking. Ms. Cheney is to Republicans what Mr. Schiff is to Democrats. Rather than submit himself to questioning from Bret Baier, who isn't one of Trump's stooges, Schiff submitted himself to this softball interview with MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace:

Back to the Nunes Letter. It said:
Outlining every false claim from your memo would require an extremely long letter, so I will limit my summary to a few highlights. In your memo you made the following assertions:
  • FBI and DOJ officials did not omit material information from the FISA warrant.
  • The DOJ “made only narrow use of information from [Christopher] Steele’s sources about Page’s specific activities in 2016."
  • In subsequent FISA renewals, DOJ provided additional information that corroborated Steele’s reporting.
  • The Page FISA warrant allowed the FBI to collect "valuable intelligence."
  • "Far from 'omitting' material facts about Steele, as the Majority claims, DOJ repeatedly informed the Court about Steele’s background, credibility, and potential bias."
  • The FBI conducted a "rigorous process" to vet Steele’s allegations, and the Page FISA application explained the FBI’s reasonable basis for finding Steele credible.
  • Steele’s prior reporting was used in criminal proceedings.
Mr. Schiff's statements are bull-Schiff. He wasn't just censured. He earned this censure with his repeated deceptions and frequent intentional dishonest statements. Finally, there's this lie:

Let's title this the 'Grand Whopper of Them All.' Mr. Schiff, shut up and go away. Forever.


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