Tim Walz's, DFL's legislative legacy

Alpha News's Anthony Gockowski has put together the list of bills passed by the legislature and signed into law by Gov. Walz. Honestly, it's a legacy of shame. Gov. Walz and the DFL, though, think that it's a legacy of accomplishment. That's because the DFL's accomplishments aren't steps in the right direction. They're steps towards evilism.

The crowning accomplishments of Gov. Walz and the DFL legislature are establishing "a 'fundamental right' to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy," declaring "Minnesota a 'refuge' for children seeking sex changes" while repealing "protections for babies who survive abortions."

The DFL's so-called accomplishments are the first step in tearing down the institutions and practices that've made Minnesota and the U.S.A. exceptional. The DFL, like Democrats nationally, think that we're a systemically racist bunch. This isn't, IMHO, a political ideology. It's proof of a debilitating, sometimes crippling mental disease.

Several of the bills passed are unconstitutional. For instance, the DFL "banned Native American mascots." That's a violation of the First Amendment. Further, the DFL "created a hate speech database." Depending on the bill's language, that's possibly a violation of a person's First, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights.

Next, the DFL "passed a bill to require Minnesota’s electricity grid to be 100% carbon-free by 2040." Since Minnesota buys a significant portion of our electricity from North and South Dakota, all regulations on electricity generation are subject to federal regulation under the Interstate Commerce Clause. The so-called Blackout Bill is headed for the federal courts, where it will be struck down. North Dakota is planning on suing Minnesota over the blackout Bill:

The DFL's trans Refuge bill, which "declared Minnesota a 'refuge' for children seeking sex changes," is likely a violation of federal or states' parental rights bills. That bill isn't as sure-fire a violation of the Constitution as other DFL bills but it isn't in the clear yet.

Make sure to go through Mr. Gockowski's comprehensive list of bills signed into law. It's really a list for the Hall of Shame. Today's DFL is evil to the core.


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