The DFL: experts at spending lots of money and getting nothing for it

The DFL thinks this past legislative session produced one victory after another. Nothing is further from the truth. According to the latest Center for the American Experiment polling, "Fifty-one percent of respondents said Minnesota was on the 'wrong track' in a poll taken over the weekend as the 2023 session came to a close. Only 37% rated the work of the legislature as 'excellent' or 'good.' Fully 58% of Minnesotans rated their work as 'only fair' or 'poor.'" Let's examine the amount of money spent by the DFL, the size of the projected surplus and the tax hikes implemented with unanimous DFL support.

Let's remember that a) the November, 2022 projected surplus was $9,240,000,000 and that the March, 2023 projected surplus was $17,600,000,000. Then factor in $8,600,000,000 in various tax and fee hikes. Out of all that, a portion of Minnesota taxpayers are getting a $260 Walz Check. Meanwhile, a portion of Social Security Benefit recipients will see their taxes cut.

This morning, Ember Reichgott-Junge tried selling the DFL's spending spree, saying that the DFL "invested" in education, implemented a paid family medical leave bill and stopped the logjam of other things that the GOP was preventing from happening.

First, government doesn't invest. They spend. In the private sector, if a person invests in a project, they expect a return on that investment. Next, the money spent on education is still delivering an unacceptable achievement gap. The only people who've gotten a return on their investment is Education Minnesota. They've consistently gotten a competition-free environment in exchange for the contributions they've given to the DFL.

The DFL raked in the cash for their special interest slush funds. Republicans got next-to-nothing. There's virtually nothing that qualifies this budget as a "One Minnesota budget." With Tim Walz, if you don't agree with his budget, you don't exist. Look at this celebration:

I'm betting that a minimum of 75+% of Minnesotans agree with repealing the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, which allowed doctors to protect babies that had survived an abortion attempt. Under Minnesota's law, chief authored by Tina Liebling, babies living outside their mother's womb aren't protected. How barbaric is that?

While the DFL celebrates this as the most productive legislative session in Minnesota history, the truth is that this legislative session unleashed the true DFL, a DFL that believes in unlimited barbarity, unlimited spending and unlimited tax increases. If that sounds like the path to prosperity, then I'd identify you as a Marxist/Socialist DFLer. I'd argue that you don't have a brain in your head and that you shouldn't be allowed near sharp objects.


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