Ron DeSantis' 'failed launch' raises $8.4 Million in first 24 hours

Stories outlining Ron DeSantis's political demise are greatly exaggerated. Following his disastrous launch on Wednesday, voters across the nation apparently didn't listen to the DC punditocracy. Voters with a mind of their own sent their own message of what they think of Gov. DeSantis. That noteworthy conservative newspaper known as the NYTimes reports that Gov. DeSantis raised a paltry $8,200,000 in the first 24 hours after his presidential launch.

Apparently, voters didn't get the Trump-MSM memo that this was a disastrous launch. Apparently, potential DeSantis voters actually like Gov. DeSantis. What's more is that people can actually trust the things that Gov. DeSantis says.

The NYTimes article starts by saying "Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida raised $8.2 million in his first 24 hours as a presidential candidate, his campaign said on Thursday, a huge sum that cements his standing as the leading Republican rival to Donald J. Trump." It continues, saying "Mr. DeSantis’s campaign began on Wednesday evening with a glitch-filled kickoff on Twitter, but that apparently did not slow donor enthusiasm. The campaign said on Wednesday that it had raised $1 million during a single hour."

I hate the herky-jerky nature of videos like this but the information is accurate:

By comparison to DeSantis's $8.2M haul in the first 24 hours, Trump raised "a relatively paltry $9.5M in the first 6 weeks of his campaign." This is important information to know:
A donor making calls in the room first disclosed that the campaign had raised $8.2 million, and Mr. Griffin confirmed the figure. All the funds are so-called hard dollars that the campaign can use.

The sum does not include any of the funds that the pro-DeSantis super PAC, Never Back Down, has raised in recent months into a Draft DeSantis account that can be directly transferred to the campaign, according to Mr. Griffin. It is unclear how much money is in that account.

By comparison, Tim Scott raised $2,000,000 in his first 24 hours. This isn't a criticism of Sen. Scott. It's a comparison that's meant as a measuring stick on enthusiasm for a candidate's campaign.


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