Is Tim Walz's, DFL's trifecta Minnesota's point of no return?

While Tim Walz and the DFL celebrate the signing of Minnesota's biennial budget, successful Minnesotans are heading for other states. On Wednesday, Gov. Walz signed the budget into law. this budget calls for a 38% increase in spending from the budget that's expiring at midnight, June 30,2023.

The Walz-Flanagan ticket promised a $2,000 rebate check to everyone filing taxes in Minnesota during the campaign. That's when the projected surplus was estimated at $9,240,000,000. When the dust settled, though, Walz signed a tax bill that included a Walz Check worth $260 for single filers, $520 for married couples and up to $1,300 for families with up to 3 children.

By the time that the budget was passed, the projected surplus had increased to $17,600,000,000. That's an epic fail. The projected surplus doubled but the Walz Checks got cut by 80%. That's before looking under the hood on the tax bill. John Phelan's reporting asks the essential question of "which taxes are being cut?" Then Phelan highlights this:

about the only thing which you could actually call a "tax cut" is the measure to reduce taxation of Social Security benefits.
Families get a check that won't even pay for a month of groceries while Education Minnesota and the Minnesota Nurses Association get their slush funds replenished handsomely. In this video, Gov. Walz showed his true self:

He said "Checks going back to people is government spending. Are Republicans opposed to that spending? Social Security tax cuts is money going back. The child tax credit is money going back. They don't want to count this." That's breathtakingly dishonest. Social Security tax cuts isn't government spending. It's proof that Minnesota has taxed Social Security benefits too much.

Perhaps I'm being a little harsh on Gov. Walz. He did say that "checks going back to people is government spending." Is that a Freudian Slip? I'm pretty certain it is. This isn't government spending because the "money is going back" to the people who earned it.

Let's remember that Gov. Walz is the guy who defiantly praises the bill that makes legal genital mutilation of children. A person with that lack of moral compass isn't worth trusting.

Characterwise, Gov. Walz is more Kermit Gosnell than good old country boy. Gov. Walz also signed into law the "DFL Pro-Infanticide Act", aka the Pro Act, and the "Repealing the Born Alive Infant Protection Act." That's right. Gov. Walz is certainly the most pro-infanticide politician in Minnesota history. Gov. Walz might be the most pro-infanticide politician in the U.S.A.

Economically, Tim Walz is illiterate and dishonest. Morally, Gov. Walz operates most of the time without a compass. For years, Tim Walz said that he supported a person's right to defend themselves. When he decided to run for governor, he stopped supporting a person's right to defend themselves. The right to defend one's self hasn't changed since the beginning of time. Unprincipled Tim Walz showed that his 'principles' are for sale to the highest bidder. For that matter, they're just for sale, highest bidder or otherwise.


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