Speed Gibson: North by Northwest – The Verdict

North by Northwest – The Verdict

In the first ever televised US Presidential debate, a handsome, slightly younger candidate John F. Kennedy won over a sweating Richard Nixon with a 5 o’clock shadow. However, those hearing the debate on radio only generally favored Nixon. (History Channel) It was style versus substance, and as often happens in politics, style won as evidenced in November.

We have somewhat the same situation here in Little Falls, the debate being its ISD April 17th, 2023, School Board meeting. Given that only one side was even heard, yes, the District/Education Minnesota forces won. But as I noted last time, under Marquess of Queensberry debate rules, the ad hominem rhetoric alone conceded defeat, that they could otherwise not defend their position. It was style vs [a lack of] substance, and no doubt style has once again won.

But at least we’re talking, and in that sense, perhaps every parent and taxpayer won. This is a silver lining of the Covid lockdowns, that remote learning brought the classroom and curriculum home for all to see, first-hand. Those who didn't like what they saw have now seen how intractable "Big Education" can be, even in Little Falls.

Climbing up on my own soap box, I submit that there is no accommodation or compromise possible. The one size fits all model of our K-12 public education system cannot handle the true Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) goals it claims to support. We all have different ideas on how best to prepare young minds for their coming challenges as adults, especially regarding the "age appropriate" question. If there was one clear set of answers, we wouldn’t be debating. And there can be serious consequences for getting it wrong, subject by subject, student by student. There have to be choices, affordable choices.

My verdict: Thanks to the courageous parents. Thanks to those in charge who at least remained civil. Participation Trophies all ‘round! And School Choice now!


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