Karine Jean-Pierre's lies are piling up. Joe Biden's lies are piling up, too

Karine Jean-Pierre's multiple blatant lies are starting to pile up. These aren't little white lies. These are whoppers about national and international importance. The WSJ highlights some of the whoppers that KJP has told about the status of the debt ceiling.

The WSJ editorial highlights KJP as saying "House Republicans are holding our economy hostage and threatening default. As the President said yesterday, he’s happy to meet with Speaker McCarthy, but not on whether or not the debt limit gets extended. That is not negotiable."

KJP is insinuating that House Republicans have done nothing about lifting the debt ceiling. That's a steaming pile of BS. KJP knows that. Biden knows it, too. When asked about negotiating with Speaker McCarthy, Biden replied "I'm happy to meet with McCarthy but not on whether or not the debt limit gets extended."

That's stunning. Both mindless bots said the same thing. Both hinted that House Republicans hadn't done anything. It's frightening to think that Democrats think it's ok to lie about something this important. Democrats, not Republicans, are playing chicken with lifting the debt ceiling. Republicans have acted. Democrats haven't lifted a finger. Despite that, Joe Biden said "They [Republicans] haven't figured out the debt limit yet. What a smartaleck.

This report is informative:

At the end of the report, PBS reports that "Federal spending increased by about 50% between FY2019 and FY2021." That's according to the U.S. Treasury Department. That isn't just an spending increase. That's an astronomical spending increase. It might be the first time in U.S. history that spending jumped that much during peacetime.

If Joe Biden isn't willing to admit that he's the biggest part of the problem and that House and Senate Democrats are the other big part of the overspending problem, then we're heading over a financial cliff. The Fed won't be able to raise interest rates fast enough to get ahead of the Democrat-induced inflation that they're still creating. This says everything:

What part of divided government and bicameral legislature doesn’t the President understand? Perhaps he’s still under the illusion that he can refuse to negotiate and cause Republicans to panic as the debt deadline looms. No doubt the press corps will try to give him cover.
House Republicans passed a bill that avoids default. People with a functioning brain understands the leverage switch. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Joe Biden should even be able to figure that out. This makes things interesting, too:
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer needs at least nine GOP votes to pass any debt limit increase, and that means he needs help from GOP leader Mitch McConnell. With the House vote in his back pocket, Mr. McConnell isn’t going to provide those votes for free, even if he had the power to do so on his own.
Let the serious negotiating begin.


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