Donald Trump needs Kellyanne Conway in the worst way

If you've paid attention to Donald Trump's pre-emptive (and outlandish) criticisms of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, you'd notice that he needs Kellyanne Conway in the worst way. Trump's criticisms have gotten so far-fetched that he's sounding like a man who'll say anything to win. It's time for Trump's adult children to step in and tell him he looks desperate.

RedState's article states "President Trump on Friday sent an email portraying Florida as some kind of dystopian nightmare with a slew of problems supposedly caused by Gov. DeSantis. In the email was a statement from Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung, who said DeSantis has 'left a wake of destruction all across Florida' by spending 'more time playing public relations games instead of actually doing the hard work needed to improve the lives of the people he represents.'" What BS! If he's done such a terrible job, why are people moving there by the tens of thousands?

New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz left NYC to raise her children in Florida. Her latest column lowers the boom on Trump:

It’s understandable that Trump is threatened by DeSantis. Should the governor enter the race, he’d be a very formidable candidate. But Trump is not just slamming an exceptional Republican governor with his stupid attacks, he’s attacking the very best Republican policies and the model Republican state.
The Trump campaign got pounded on their attack against DeSantis:
Never Back Down CEO Chris Jankowski stated, "Donald Trump has disparaged the state of Florida, and we will help him leave by offering financial support for him to move to his beloved California." Jankowski further added that with the influx of people moving to Florida due to Gov. DeSantis’ success, Trump’s departure would go unnoticed.

"Donald Trump has so deeply disparaged the state of Florida by calling it the 'worst state,' we at Never Back Down will help him leave by offering financial assistance to help him move to his beloved California, so he can be close to his good buddy Gavin Newsom, whom he loves so intensely and gets along with so well," Jankowski wrote in a statement.

"The good news is that since so many people are moving to the state of Florida, thanks to the incredible success of Governor Ron DeSantis, no one will notice when Trump leaves," he continued. "The state of Florida will be better off when Trump takes his Soros-fueled, dumpster fire of a campaign to San Francisco, where it will fit right in."

I've never heard of Steven Cheung prior to this campaign. Based on some of his ill-tempered antics, it doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out why he's never been heard of before. Kellyanne Conway he isn't.

Speaking of Kellyanne Conway, I'm not certain she can rescue Trump at this point. This is a reminder to Republicans why Trump lost his re-election bid. Trump's mouth and lack of discipline are his biggest enemies. If he just stuck to policies, he'd win. That's something he can't do, though. Trump can't resist shooting his mouth off, even when a little humility would help him. It isn't in his nature. This ad, paid for by Never Back Down Super PAC, is devastating:

Trump's mouth is his biggest enemy. That won't change. It's time for Republicans to make a change.


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