The Democrats'-Due Diligence Group developing dilemma

Democrats are facing a developing crisis thanks to paying the Due Diligence Group hundreds of thousands of dollars to get their hands on "the private military records of several House Republican candidates in 2022." Additionally, the "Democratic Senatorial Campaign [Committee], which seeks to elect Democrats to the Senate, gave the Due Diligence Group $173,000 during the 2022 election cycle as well as another three payments of more than $30,000 after the election, according to the Federal Election Commission. Additionally, the political research firm received more than $110,000 from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee between January 2021 and December 2022, filings show."

Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said "Department of the Air Force employees did not follow proper procedures requiring the member's authorizing signature consenting to the release of information. There was no evidence of political motivation or malicious intent on the part of any employee. Through ongoing monthly audits, we are committed to preventing any such unauthorized disclosure of private information from occurring again."

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-FL, "revealed that she could be the latest Republican to have her private military records allegedly leaked" to a private opposition research firm. Rep. Luna is just one of the USAF veterans who've been compromised:

Former GOP House candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green was another veteran whose personnel records, including details of a sexual assault that occurred during her time in the Air Force, were released to the public without her consent. The Air Force admitted in a letter that her military personnel records were released to a third party "without proper redaction."
This information should trigger a DOJ criminal investigation:

Having information like a veteran's Social Security # and the missions they completed should be guarded with the strictest scrutiny. That this information was made public is more than outrageous. This interview is infuriating:

Don Bacon attained the rank of Brigadier General. In addition to gaining his Social Security #, Democrats got a picture into other sensitive pieces of information. With a brigadier general, that can be military secrets. Using identity theft techniques to look into a brigadier general's records is serious business. If the DOJ doesn't look into this, I'll know that they've been weaponized.


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