Russia vs. Ukraine: the time for diplomacy, sanctions are over edition

I've heard too many arguments against giving Ukraine the weaponry they need to win. This morning, for instance, while Lisa Boothe guest-hosted on Fox & Friends, she argued against sending more money and arms to Ukraine. She worried whether the war was winnable. (It is.) Piers Morgan stated that the war was winnable.

It's time to dust off a pair of successful GOP battle plans. First and most important, it's time to dust off the Powell Doctrine. In a nutshell, the Powell Doctrine, named after then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Collin Powell, asks whether a "vital national security interest" had been threatened, whether "a clear and attainable objective" existed and whether "a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement" exists. The answer to each of those questions is emphatically yes.

The other battle plan is more of a mindset. When asked what his strategy was towards the Soviets, President Reagan said "Simple. We win. They lose." When Reagan spoke of the USSR as the evil empire, he framed that fight as a battle between the forces of evil (Soviets) and the forces of righteousness (U.S.A.) It's time to pitch the Trump Doctrine of partnering with Russia. I'm not interested in that. I'd rather tear their heads off.

First, here's the video of the debate debate between Lisa Boothe on one side and Brian Kilmeade and Piers Morgan on the other side:

When Miss Boothe asked "Is this a war we want our children to fight in?", Kilmeade and Morgan emphatically replied "We don't have to." Morgan had just said that he'd visited Ukraine. He stated passionately that "When you speak to them, the fire inside them to repel the Russians -- this is not just an attack against Ukraine but on freedom, democracy and a sovereign country..." The Russians aren't 10 feet tall and 2% body fat. They aren't well-equipped and well-trained with the best weaponry. Had this war been fought by Russia against a well-armed nation like Israel, it might've been like the 6-Day War 2.0. It wouldn't have been a fair fight. Russia would've gotten their butts kicked fast.

Putin can't accept a true negotiated peace. He'd be dead within a week. It's that simple. The option that hasn't been seriously explored is to give Ukraine what it needs on an expedited basis (the Powell Doctrine) so they can push all Russian troops out of Ukraine (the Reagan Doctrine -- we win, they lose.), including out of the Donbas and Crimea. At that point, who cares if there's a negotiated peace? Let's forget about fighting endless wars. Let's help our allies defeat our enemies without the U.S. putting a boot on the ground. That isn't always possible but it is this time. Let's seize the day -- immediately.


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