Jill McLaughlin vs. BLM, Black History Month edition

I didn't know until this morning that Jill McLaughlin is a parental rights activist. Honestly, I didn't know who she was until this morning. I'm thankful that I know more about her now. Thanks to this article, I'm now aware that Peter Hobart Elementary School isn't a school I'd recommend. Thanks to Jill McLaughlin's interview, I now suspect that Hobart is a slippery school.

In the AlphaNews article, McLaughlin said "We were notified via email on a Thursday that that very week was Black Lives Matter at School Week." Check this out:

This week is Black Lives Matter at Schools Week. The goal of the Black Lives Matter at School Week is to spark ongoing engagement with critical issues of social justice.

Issues and principles focused on include:

  • Restorative Justice
  • Empathy
  • Loving Engagement
  • Diversity
  • Globalism
  • Identity Affirmation
  • Collective Value
  • Intergenerationalism
Week after week, our Peter Hobart fifth graders share that racism is an issue they feel the passionate about addressing in making our world a better or more peaceful place. As an IB World School, we are committed to taking action for positive change relating to human rights, equality, and equity. We take the responsibility and commitment of partnering with you to develop knowledgeable, inquiring young people who can take this action to heart.
Public schools shouldn't be incubators for progressive ideology. Restorative justice is what got the kids killed at Marjorie Stoneman-Douglas High School. Identity affirmation is a cute way of talking about transgender issues to sub-teens. Globalism is what appeasers to China preach. Top it off with a healthy shot of teaching kids that they're either oppressors or victims. After watching Liz Collin's podcast, the only conclusion I can reach is that Jill McLaughlin is a troublemaker/firebrand and someone to admire:

Ms. McLaughlin isn't pulling her punches. Check this out:
She believes the school intentionally kept this hidden from parents until the last minute, noting that there was no mention of BLM in a schedule of Black History Month activities sent to parents at the beginning of the month.

"They absolutely tried to hide it from parents," she said. "They knew that they were going to do this." The school told McLaughlin that its newsletter regularly goes out on Thursdays and said it didn’t have information on the BLM week ready to go the week prior. "They’re lying," McLaughlin said.

At a school that emphasizes black history and diversity, the school didn't know that BLM would be taught? That's like the Air Force Academy not teaching about airplanes. That's a pile of BS. This is further proof that the school isn't telling the truth:
The newsletter itself claims that the BLM week is necessary because students frequently "share that racism is an issue they feel passionate about addressing."

But McLaughlin’s daughter is black and said it’s not something her 9-year-old is passionate about at all. "She comes to her own intelligent conclusions before I’m ever able to articulate my feelings about it," McLaughlin said. In fact, her daughter raised concerns in the past after being given another assignment called a "racial autobiography."

"She said, 'Why does it have to be a racial autobiography? Why can’t it just be an autobiography?'" McLaughlin said her daughter asked her. "She’s a smart kid and she’s not falling prey to a lot of the messaging going on at the school."

This article is an eye-opener. Check this out:
According to its website, BLM at Schools is a national coalition "fighting for racial justice in schools." It has 13 "guiding principles," including "globalism," "queer affirming" and "trans affirming."

"We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and 'villages' that collectively care for one another, and especially 'our' children to the degree that mothers, parents and children are comfortable," the coalition says.

Wow! That's full tilt progressivism. How many other schools are like this in Minnesota? This propaganda/indoctrination can't continue.

Frankly, we need an army of Jill McLaughlins to defeat schools like this.


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