It's time for some tough love for GOP presidential candidates

It's time for GOP presidential candidates to tell the American people how they'll get the nation back on the right track economically. That's the subject of Larry Kudlow's opening riff from Friday's show. In his opening riff, Kudlow said "There's no question that the Joe Biden economic malaise continues, but there is a big question: where's the Republican presidential campaign growth and prosperity solution plan?"

The first thing that's got to happen to restore prosperity is to ditch The Democrats' environmental policy. Democrats don't have an energy policy. Democrats are laser-focused on climate change. Producing plentiful energy isn't the Democrats' priority.

That means Republican presidential candidates need to state emphatically that the path to prosperity starts with a robust fossil fuel energy infrastructure bill. You can't achieve energy dominance without opening federal lands, building pipelines and increasing refining capacity. Just getting that right will be a gut-punch to Bidenflation.

The next thing that's required is deregulation. That doesn't mean just fewer regulations. That's definitely required but the Biden administration has interwoven ESG regulations into the fabric of virtually everything. That's what will take time to unweave. One of the best illustrations of this damage is found in this presentation:

This will require a new type of leadership. The fossils that've led the GOP need to be given their lifetime achievement award and their gold watch. Then they need to pushed into retirememnt. Next, this won't work without fresh thinking. That requires people that can think quickly. What's also required are people who, to use Reagan's old line, are willing to see what they actually saw. But I digress.

It's time to de-couple the U.S. economy from China's. We can't rely on supply chains that run through China. When Biden touts solar panels, he's really touting growing China's economy. It's time to move as much of our essentials back to the U.S. as possible. That means codifying into the tax code the repatriation of money from China back into the U.S. That's imperative. The bonus of de-coupling from China is that it weakens China while it strengthens the U.S. economy.

Preaching the gospel of tax cuts, deregulation and de-coupling our supply chains from China is a winning message. It appeals to everyone except the globalists.

This is how far the Green New Deal has gotten:

Lawmakers in the state of Minnesota introduced legislation this month that would permit the state’s Commissioner of Labor and Industry to amend the state’s energy code to "mitigate the impact of climate change," a directive that could be used to justify a ban on natural gas, according to the free-market Minnesota think-tank Center of the American Experiment. California and New York are weighing statewide bans which would not only increase costs but may not have the climate benefits advocates hope for, Dan Kish, senior fellow at the Institute for Energy Research told the DCNF.

"Natural gas is our cleanest fossil [fuel] and it is responsible for the U.S. reducing carbon dioxide emissions more than other countries, largely because we have centuries of the stuff," Kish told the DCNF. "God blessed North America with enormous energy wealth, and our only impediment is power-hungry politicians who want to make energy more expensive and more foreign, while bossing Americans around by telling them how to heat their homes and what kind of car they can drive."

This is beyond stupidity. Natural gas is exceptionally clean-burning. It's plentiful beyond belief. (We have at least enough to heat our homes for the next 200 years, if not more.) The question GOP presidential candidates need to ask Biden is why Democrats are intent on driving up home heating prices while stealing money from families' paychecks. It's important that these GOP presidential candidates ridicule him over the supposedly existential threat of climate change, too.

These Democrats aren't just idiots. They're dangerous!


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