Kim Reynolds signs school choice law

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds just made history by signing into law Iowa's school choice law. Predictably, the teachers' unions aren't happy. Equally predictable is that Corey DeAngelis is happy with the passage and signing of the bill.

DeAngelis said "Iowa’s now going to be a national leader on education freedom. And I’m happy that the governor, Kim Reynolds, has been a staunch supporter of parental rights in education, and this just cements that fact even further." Meanwhile, Sen. Molly Donahue, D-Cedar Rapids, said "Spending public money with no accountability is reckless. Our public schools and students deserve better. Until we are willing to provide adequate funding for the vast majority of our public school students, we should not be creating a private, exclusive school entitlement program with unknown costs and unlimited funding — a blank check."

At the bill-signing ceremony, Gov. Reynolds said "Public schools are the foundation of our educational system, and for most families, they’ll continue to be the option of choice. But they aren’t the only choice. And for some families, a different path may be better for their children."

The proof that this is the right thing to do comes from these statistics:

The Legislative Services Agency's analysis predicts 14,068 students will be enrolled in the program in fiscal year 2024, its first year. That includes an estimated 4,841 students who would transfer from a public school to a nonpublic school.

By fiscal year 2027, the agency expects 41,687 students in Iowa to receive education savings accounts to pay their private school costs. Over that time, the agency projects enrollment in public schools to drop from 486,476 in fiscal year 2024 to 475,207 in fiscal year 2027.

If these statistics are accurate, then parents and families will be choosing. It won't be the teachers' unions who will dictate where kids get educated. That's how it's supposed to be. This must be a moment of pride for Gov. Reynolds:


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