Karine Jean-Pierre's staggering spin

Karine Jean-Pierre, aka KJP, has said some thoroughly dishonest things from the White House Briefing Room podium in her short time as WH Press Secretary. Yesterday, KJP said something utterly outrageous when she said "As many of you are tracking this week, House Republicans will vote to raise gas prices on American families. The contrast in priorities could not be more stark, but the president spent the last two years, as you know, doing everything he could to lower gas prices for American families. And prices are down about $1.60 a gallon since last summer. Now, House Republicans are using their narrow majority to force the American people to pay higher gas prices, just as big oil companies are amassing record profits."

That's simply breathtaking. House Republicans will vote to put the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, aka the SPR, off-limits for anything other than national emergencies. Biden, House Democrats and KJP want to use the SPR to manipulate gas prices. When KJP said that Biden had "spent the last two years ... doing everything he could to lower gas prices for American families", KJP was referring to Biden releasing 1,000,000 barrels per day for 180 days from the SPR. That isn't a long-term policy. That's a short-term manipulation.

Another thing that KJP omitted from that statement from the WH Podium is that Joe Biden is attempting to end the fossil fuel industry. After delivering his Inauguration Speech, Biden signed executive orders putting all national land off-limits for oil exploration and production. He did that after shutting down the Keystone XL Pipeline construction. Watch KJP spin this:

Chad Gilmartin, the deputy spokesman for Speaker Kevin McCarthy, got in the best shot at KJP: "I guess Biden would rather beg for oil overseas." That's quite the shot at Biden, KJP and Democrats. One of the things in the Republicans' Commitment to America is to make the U.S. energy independent again. Compare that with Democrats waging war on fossil fuels in general and natural gas in specific. In Madison, WI, some housing subdivisions are getting built that don't offer the option of natural gas appliances. That includes natural gas furnaces, the most efficient, the cheapest way of heating a home. Democrats are waging a full frontal attack against fossil fuels, which is driving up home heating bills.

What's happening is that Democrats are attacking with outright lies rather than playing defense. The last thing they want is to explain why they drove up gas prices to the highest prices in U.S. history.

The national average for a gallon of gas didn't happen with Trump in office. When Trump left, the average gallon of gas nationwide was $2.39; that summer under Biden, the average price nationwide for a gallon topped $5.00. Another thing worth noting: the average price of a gallon of gas nationwide never topped $3.00.

On another topic, KJP is peddling this lie:

"What's even more alarming is that this is not the only attempt by House Republicans majority to raise cost on middle class families. House Republicans are also pushing a tax increase on middle class families and inflation, worsening tax cuts for the rich and high prescription drug costs as well. These extreme policies would subject working families to immense financial pain and balloon our deficit all just to benefit the wealthiest taxpayers and big corporations," Jean-Pierre said.
Republicans haven't submitted a tax bill yet.It's impossible to raise taxes on the middle class without submitting a tax bill. Further, budget cuts and oil production increases will quickly cut inflation.

Frankly, there isn't anything that I'd consider the truth. At best for Democrats, precious little of her spin approaches the truth. Take that to the bank.


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