Exposing the myth behind comprehensive immigration reform

When a farmer plants his crops, he must follow the right order. If he doesn't follow the right order, he won't get much of a crop. First, he spreads the fertilizer. Next, he tills the soil. After that, he plants the seeds. (Yes, I know that there are other steps but this is the abbreviated version.)

I write this to illustrate how Washington keeps getting things wrong with immigration. I wrote this to show why there's no such thing as comprehensive immigration reform. There are really 2 steps to fixing immigration.

First, Democrats need to join with Republicans in fixing the immigration crisis. Having 2,400,000 illegal immigrants cross the U.S.-Mexico border in FY2022 is a crisis. This fiscal year is on pace to shatter that record. If Democrats are serious about immigration reform, they need to vote for spending the cash to finish building Trump's wall.

Next, Democrats need to join Republicans in dramatically increasing the number of border patrol, DEA and ICE agents. To pay for that new spending, they'll need to repeal the 87,000 IRS agents. We need border patrol agents to protect us. We don't need IRS agents to harass us. Period.

Once the wall is built and the new border patrol, DEA and ICE agents are in place, then Republicans can join Democrats in fixing the problem. Once the border is secure and Trump's wall is built, then Republicans will be willing to fix things like asylum reform, guest worker programs and streamlining the citizenship process.

Those are problems. Stopping the onslaught of illegal immigrants is a catastrophe. Preventing fentanyl and meth from entering the U.S. is a higher priority than fixing the guest worker program. This is a catastrophe:

If this catastrophe isn't fixed, the political will shouldn't exist to fix the other things. Period. If Democrats keep pushing the myth of comprehensive immigration reform, nothing will improve for the people living along the U.S.-Mexico border. If these people's lives don't significantly improve, then Democrats will have failed.


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