Why is the Uniparty afraid of shutting government down?

Now that the Omnibus spending bill has passed the Senate, it heads to the House of Representatives, where it'll pass, then sent to Joe Biden's office for his signing. Somewhere, a pundit is writing that it's futile to vote for Republicans or Democrats. The logic is that there isn't much of a difference between the 2 parties.

Actually, I yearn for the day when we still had 2 viable, vital political parties. Those days are relegated to the history books, I'm afraid. The Democrats aren't into debating anymore. They'd prefer shutting down a debate before it's allowed to start. That's where Cancel Culture started.

Cancel Culture started with Democrats accusing Republicans of being racists or being phobic of one sort or another. But I digress. Back to why the Uniparty refuses to let the government shut down.

It's just a theory but part of the reason for not letting the federal government shut down is to hide the fact that government is vastly overbloated. With each shutdown comes reports of nonessential employees getting laid off temporarily. If the government doesn't shut down, those nonessential employee reports disappear. Problem isn't solved. It's just hidden by the Uniparty.

Another part of the problem is that Mitch McConnell is afraid of a philosophical fight. Why shouldn't we have a spirited debate over whether government is performing its functions properly and at a reasonable price.

This omnibus bill isn't just funding government for the rest of the fiscal year. It's distracting attention away from the Biden catastrophe on the U.S.-Mexico border.

In this video, Bill Melugin reported that the Biden administration still hasn't published the November border report:

Notice that Biden's administration is punctual publishing reports that it considers to cast the administration in a positive light. The October report showed 230,000+ illegal immigrants getting in. It isn't a stretch to think that the November report will be at least 230,000+ again. Again, I digress.

The omnibus spending bill should be thought of as a collection of slush funds intended to get the incumbents re-elected. This doesn't have anything to do with doing what's right by the people. Doing what's right by the people frightens the Uniparty.


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