Mitch McConnell's Capitulation Caucus, negotiations edition

It's long past time for Mitch McConnell to retire, pick up his gold watch and fade away forever. It's painfully obvious that Mitch isn't interested in the American people or he's got a fatal case of DC-itis. Either way, he's got to go.

On his radio program, Todd Starnes suggested that Mitch McConnell had intentionally sabotaged the House and Senate Republicans' campaigns in 2022. While I think that isn't credible, I think it's easy to prove that Sen. McConnell is out-of-touch with Americans. I also wonder whether he's willing to play second fiddle to Kevin McCarthy, who will likely become the Speaker come January 3, 2023.

That means McCarthy, not McConnell, will be the lead negotiator on budget bills. That's got to eat at Sen. McConnell's ego more than a little bit. McConnell prides himself on being a great negotiator, though I think that's more ego than statistical reality. The reality is that Sen. McConnell is afraid of government shutdowns. Democrats know this and they use that as leverage against McConnell.

Charlie Hurt didn't hold back during this interview with Larry Kudlow and Katie Pavlich:

Charlie Hurt is 1,000 times more in touch with GOP voters than Mitch McConnell is. Why isn't Mitch's first preference to have him and McCarthy at the table, especially considering the fact that the 2023 House leadership in GOP control?

Mollie Hemingway didn't pull her punches, either:

However, Republican voters are desperately concerned about the country and are looking for bold and persuasive leadership instead of comfort with a few small, intermittent successes. They also seek leaders who don’t hate them. Frustration with McConnell’s well-known and long-established disdain for Republican voters is becoming a serious problem.

The politically toxic McConnell has continuously ranked as the country’s least popular politician, well behind Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. He is so disliked by Americans that he is underwater by an average of 35.3 points in polls gauging his favorability.

It's time for a change. Republicans need a fighter who won't get frightened by a possible government shutdown. Ted Cruz was criticized for the 2013 shutdown. People predicted electoral doom and gloom in 2014. Republicans took back the Senate that year, with "Republicans [defeating] five Democratic incumbents: Mark Begich of Alaska lost to Dan Sullivan, Mark Pryor of Arkansas lost to Tom Cotton, Mark Udall of Colorado lost to Cory Gardner, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana lost to Bill Cassidy, and Kay Hagan of North Carolina lost to Thom Tillis. Republicans also picked up another four open seats in Iowa, Montana, South Dakota, and West Virginia." It isn't that the GOP needs a bombthrower. It's that the GOP needs a skilled negotiator who isn't afraid to upset the DC Establishment. Mike Lee seems like a great replacement for Mitch.


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