Joe Biden's vacation couldn't wait

If people needed proof that Joe Biden was a climate change warrior, they got it Thursday. That's when the administration sent the omnibus spending bill that's funding the government the rest of this fiscal year to St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands via a private plane. Biden and his family couldn't wait until the bill was properly put together and made suitable for signing.

For Biden and his family, they just had to leave Washington, DC for a billionaire's mansion in the U.S. Virgin Islands despite the deadly blizzard that's killed 35+ people in Buffalo, NY. Biden insisted that he and his family couldn't wait to ignore the death and looting in Buffalo, NY. The pollution he created by sending that single plane to his vacation home didn't matter to him. Joe Biden doesn't care. ABC couldn't wait to spin this as a win-win-win for the nation even though it’s a loss on multiple fronts:

The legislation, which provides $773 billion for non-defense discretionary spending and $858 billion for defense spending, marks victories for both parties.

"Today, I signed the bipartisan omnibus bill, ending a year of historic progress," Biden tweeted. "It'll invest in medical research, safety, veteran health care, disaster recovery, VAWA funding – and gets crucial assistance to Ukraine. Looking forward to more in 2023."

Mostly, it specializes in hundreds of billions of dollars in reckless spending. It doesn't specialize in cutting wasteful spending from the dishonestly titled Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA spends $80,000,000,000 to hire 87,000 new IRS auditors. Anyone that thinks that those auditors wlll focus on multinational corporations must've gone to a public school because that isn't reality. This video also bypasses the fact that the omnibus bill is filled with pork:

When Biden said "This bill is further proof that Republicans and Democrats can come together to deliver for the American people," he forgot to mention that the bill spends hundreds of millions of dollars to proocess, then release, illegal immigrants. According to this segment by Bill Melugin, most of the illegal immigrants won't be given a notice to appear:

Joe Biden doesn't care about the environment. Then too, he doesn't care about the U.S.-Mexico border. He's the laziest U.S. president in history. He's made 50+ weekend vacation trips to Delaware since his inauguration. Think of all of the pollution those trips have created. Anyone telling you that this is a working vacation is intentionally lying to you. This is how little Joe Biden cares about the border: Joe Biden doesn't care about pollution.Joe Biden doesn't care about securing the border either. He's a total disgrace.


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